Wolves, bears, swans and grouse


Today was one of those days when there was a lot going on but not much of that a lot involved taking photos.  And, so I kind of spent my morning making sure that folks got to see some animals – an impromptu mission for the day.  You would have been surprised at the numbers rushing to see the animals that I announced were in view!  Made me smile a whole lot.

First off, Rick and watchers were looking for Junctions – they had signals and had gotten a report that had them a bit confused.  And, the fog in the direction of signals did not help.  Someone heard howling and Rick decided to try the next lot while I decided to go to Lamar, despite hearing that 926 had been seen heading south.

Rick stopped and I continued, a bit bemused by a large crowd standing up on a hill, just around the corner from where we had been.  I pulled up and didn’t need binoculars to tell me that a big black wolf was standing there and howling.  Yep, those folks had a great view.  I radioed that one in and apparently 907 with there with 890 but I did not see her.  I could hear return howls a little to the north of where those two were and so went to look. Eventually 911 and 969 were found by watchers and 890 and 907.  A big greeting took place and on they went, into the fog.

So, I went to Lamar and saw the sow and two COY from Coyote pullout.  This is the same sow that previously had three and was hanging out in Slough.  All three had been very healthy looking so who knows what happened.  I radioed to let everyone know that it was a good viewing opportunity and it didn’t take long for a large crowd to gather.

On I went to the Lamar den area, where I walked out and scanned to the south, seeing nothing.  Turns out that they were there but I missed them!  Back to the west I went, thinking I would continue to the kestrels.  But, while most were looking at the bears, some were looking south.  I mentioned that to Rick as I went by and he went to investigate, discovering that folks had been watching the Junctions.  So, I was looking for the JB’s when Bill announced that 926 had just returned to the den area.  So, back to Lamar den area but no wolves.  And then some folks told me that another black had been with her so I went searching in Soda Butte Valley, where I made a great find as a dark spot in the sagebrush.  Turned out that it was Twin but was only glancing through binoculars before getting on the radio to let Rick know and so thought it was Mottled.  Twin was going to be crossing and that left the potential for madness.

Well, the crowd rushed in and of course I was set straight on the ID.  As people moved in on him, Twin made the mad dash for the road and headed home.

Twin crossing Soda Butte Creek
Twin crossing Soda Butte Creek

I then went back to the west and stopped to see 890 before he disappeared.  Bill was there and so I was glancing through his scope but a young boy came and wanted to look.  So, I got my scope out but we were never able to get him on the wolf.  Darn it.

And then I was leaving and Bill found two adult bears he had been watching.  I set the scope back up and looked.  A dark one looked huge and I assumed it was a male while the one with its head in the ground was a female.  But, no, the other one put up his head and I saw a collar.  And then I saw it was Scarface!  YAY and double yay.  Scarface has a girlfriend.  Let’s hope they are successful and one more round of Scarface cubs comes into the world.

I did stop at the kestrel nest but she left just as I was about to get a photo.  Stood there until a crowd began to form, which I wasn’t in the mood for after spending the morning helping others see animals and not getting any photos.  It was time for me to get some work done.  But, not today and so I packed up and moved on, anxious to head south to hopefully see 755.

Driving was slow to Hayden and I didn’t see a single black bear – though that would change on the way back.

The trumpeter swans were near the road and so I stopped to photograph them.  They were so beautiful – peaceful and graceful.  Not to mention tolerant as a noisy young lady came running up to them.  It was great to sit there and photograph the swans.

trumpeterswans2002 trumpeterswans2001 trumpeterswan1003 trumpeterswan1002 trumpeterswan1001

Trumpeter Swans
Trumpeter Swans

There were four swans and no babies.  I want trumpeter babies!

I did not get to see 755 or his family but did learn that the grizzly did not get the bison calf the day before.  Both had moved on today and so, evidently, all was okay with mom.

Headed back over Dunraven and there was a huge black bear boar near Gut Pile Rd., sleeping behind a tree.  There was a massive jam.  I managed to pull over but had no interest in photos and waiting for him to awake.  I like the cubs!

So, on I went, anxious to get to the coyote pups.  There was another huge jam with another black bear boar near the road before Hell Roaring.   This bear crossed the road in front of me but I did not bother taking photos – I had stopped so the bear could cross and so taking photos from the road, in a massive jam, did not feel right.

On to the coyotes, where I got soaked, again.  So, I packed up and went home because the storms were supposed to continue and had the potential of damaging winds and lightening.

I did hear from Marcy, that they also got rained out on the coyotes but had a good time with the kestrel.  And they said that there was a bear jam near Calcite, which was most likely Rosie.  And, Marcy also told me that there were two male grouse and one female putting on a show at Lake Butte Overlook.  Oh, and there are still four male Harlequins at Lee Hardy Rapids.

No word on if any of the ravens flew yet or not…It was a short day for me but sure full of goodness.  Oh, I forgot to mention the beautiful sow with 1 COY on Norris and the sow with 2 COY further east.  They expected a lot of COY in Hayden this year but so far have only confirmed 2, although, they think Raspberry might have one or two, according to a photo of a sow that looked like her.  She is not in her regular place.


3 thoughts on “Wolves, bears, swans and grouse

  1. Deby your swan photos are beautiful!! I wasn’t really thinking about going to visit them but now I want to. I wish someone would wash their necks though. Great photo of Raspberries tongue too!

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