As I mentioned in my last post we spent last week in the Tetons, mostly watching foxes. The second den we visited was in the employee residence area south of Taggart Lake. Like the cross foxes these foxes had a den under a building and had six babies. They were all regular colored red foxes. Also, like the cross foxes, we never saw the male but we got to see the babies a good bit and occasionally the mother. These foxes were a little younger than the cross foxes. Their mother was very loving and a great provider.

While we were there she mostly brought in mice. One time she brought in a live mouse and let it loose as the babies were running up to her. You should have seen them scramble! There were so many baby foxes darting here and there I never did figure out if one of them got the mouse. I know none of them spent any time chewing after the chase.

Twice one evening the female came in from behind us. It is rather surprising to see a mama fox walking next to you with a small tail hanging out of her mouth. She came by so quickly everyone just froze, afraid we would scare her, and in awe of the chance to be so close to a fox that didn’t even acknowledge our presence. Such a lady!

When Mom came home the energy level of the pups always increased. They spent time greeting their momma and then they played and played. It was hard to keep up with them. They chased each other around the porch and in their front yard. They chewed on each other. They sat on each other. They generally had a grand time.
When we left they were all doing well and that is the way I will always think of them.

Thank you for such a lovely story along with such beautiful photos..Mom sees a raven..is just magnificent
Great story! I really like the last photo of mom, just fabulous 🙂
Amazing photos. We leave tomorrow for YNP and look forward to maybe seeing these beautiful fox kits.
They are in the residential area near Beaver Creek in the Tetons. There is a fox den in Yellowstone near Iron Springs picnic area but it is right on the road and the rangers aren’t allowing any stopping, standing, etc. because it is in such a bad spot.
Fabulous photos Verne! I love that first one – makes me a little jealous. I was standing in the wrong place for sure.