Because the 20th anniversary of the happiest day of my life, the day the wolves came back to Yellowstone, is this month I thought I would post a few photos of some of the wolves I’ve seen over the years. When they first came back in 1995 I spent a lot of time watching the wolves and showing them to students, but I never photographed them. I was so happy to see them I never even thought about it. And I am glad I didn’t. I don’t think I would have the vivid memories I have etched in my mind if I had been busy photographing them. I remember a day, when the Druids still ruled the Lamar Valley, we saw 28 of them all resting on one hill across Soda Butte Creek. Twenty-eight wolves on one hill! One evening we watched M21 cross the road near 21’s Crossing with a baby sandhill crane in his mouth to take to his babies. He was getting old and wasn’t as good a hunter as he had once been. I was so conflicted! I loved 21 and I loved sandhill cranes. Why did he have to do that?! That turned out to be the last time I ever saw him alive. A few years ago we were watching a pair of courting grizzly bears in a valley east of Junction Butte. They were just settling down to a nap when a wolf appeared on the east side of “their” valley. The wolf headed straight for them. They got up and started walking towards the wolf. When they met the wolf continued walking towards the west with the grizzlies following. The wolf finally got far enough out of the bear’s valley that the bears turned around and went back to the middle of the valley. They never touched the wolf but it must have gotten them excited because they then started playing and then mated.
I started filming the Yellowstone wolves a few years ago. The following where taken over the last four years. I am not sure who these wolves are. I am fairly certain the last 3 photos are of ’06. Maybe Deby can recognize the others?

Fabulous post and I love that you just watched them for a long time. Every time you write about the wolves I get choked up. Did not know the times you speak of but I see the result of them and know that these wolves have touched all of us deeply. Thank you Judy.
Thank you so much for your post about the early days with wolves. Actually, the first Yellowstone wolf I fell in love with was 21M and also his mate 42F. I never saw them in person but watched “In the Valley of the Wolves many times and also “Wolves a legend returns to Yellowstone” and then heard and read stories about 21. It was said that 21’s idea of a good wolf fight was him against 5 other wolves. I would love to hear any stories you have about him. He must have been a great alpha and leader of his pack. I wasn’t aware that we could watch the wolves until 2009, so not as fortunate as you to see all the Druids and other early packs. Thanks so much for posting the pictures of 06 (great photo’s showing her strength) and 820F, that is the cutest picture of her. She didn’t fair so well after the loss of her mother the great leader of the Lamar Canyon Pack.
Thanks again
Jane, Thank you so much for your comments! I love all of the animals in the park but I am not very good at recognizing all of the wolves. My favorite wolf of all time was 21, the very successful alpha male of the Druids and the grandfather of ’06. I would like to think she got her hunting ability from him. I loved ’06 too and was so shocked when she was senselessly killed. Thank you for the I.D. of both 06 and 820.
I have to say the lower three photos look like 06 to me. If it is 06… The middle photo of her on the road shows her beautiful strength and it thrills me to see her this way. She was amazing in so many ways and this photo exhibits her great body fitness that, coupled with her hunting tactics and tenacity, enabled her to take down elk by herself. No one was going hungry on her watch.
I believe the 2 photos above her are of 820F from 06’s second litter and not sure about the black.
I have such admiration for 06 couldn’t help myself from saying something. about her.