The Mammoth Great Horned Owls

by Judy Lehmberg, BioPics Photography,

Two Fledgling Great Horned Owls
Two Fledgling Great Horned Owls

Mammoth is the main headquarters of Yellowstone. It is quite picturesque with many old, well built buildings left over from when the U.S. Army ran Yellowstone. There are a number of multi-story buildings in a row that house some of the luckier Yellowstone employees. Those houses are surrounded by some large conifers and cottonwood trees. In one of the conifers next to a house a pair of great horned owls has successfully nested, and raised their babies, for a number of years. This year they had 3 babies. When owl babies fledge, begin to fly, they don’t go far from their nest and the parents continue to bring them food which for these guys is mostly ground squirrels. The babies fledged a few days ago and are now sitting around in various trees near their nest tree waiting for lunch or dinner. These are 2 of the babies. They spent quite a bit of time together this evening. In the past when I have watched fledged owl babies they haven’t had much to do with each other. But these two groomed each other and then had a game of “lets lock our toes together.” I’ve never seen owls do that before so I really enjoyed watching them. I guess they will be gone soon but I intend to enjoy them while I can. If you happen to be in Yellowstone look for them in the trees at the east end of Mammoth, or just look where the camera lenses are pointed.

Two Fledgling Great Horned Owls Locking Their Toes Together
Two Fledgling Great Horned Owls Locking Their Toes Together
Two Fledgling Great Horned Owls Playing Kissy Face
Two Fledgling Great Horned Owls Playing Kissy Face
Two Fledgling Great Horned Owls Watching a Magpie
Two Fledgling Great Horned Owls Watching a Magpie

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