Teton Surprises



Morning Rise in the Tetons
Morning Rise in the Tetons

In the darkness of early morning I rose from my thin sleeping pad into the chill of morning in Grand Teton National Park.  Quickly I dressed and gathered a few things before crawling from my small tent into darkness.  I wanted sunrise and mountains for the morning and so was willing to do what most photographers do and set off in the dark for my destination.

But, first, coffee!  Signal Mountain Lodge has the coffee ready, even at 5 a.m. and so with a cup in both hands, off I went.

The morning had nearly arrived when I reached Antelope Flats and Mormon Row.  A streak of color spread out across the north, while lightening fired periodically behind the Tetons.  I quickly set up the camera on a tripod and captured what I could.  And, then I waited and waited for the sun to rise above the clouds, at which time that special morning light was gone.  But, I made the best of what was there, which was pretty marvelous.

Oh, and before long some bison went marching through and I captured those as they passed the barns and the mountains.  But, you will have to wait until later for that shot.

The big news was that the coyote pups came out to play – 9 or 10 of them, I am not sure.  And mom popped in to say hi.  Grins all around as we enjoyed their play.  The pups are so tiny and so they seem so far away – won’t be long though before they are growing and roaming about.

Perfectly Framed
Perfectly Framed

And then the rest of the day was spent in the computer store with repairs that weren’t quite done and personnel who were very busy.  And, so I missed 399 today but here she was yesterday.  It is the weekend and so a lot of folks are showing up in hopes of capturing the girl and her cubs.  No word on 610 but some think that her cub might be dead….more on that later.

Mother and Child, 399 and one cub of 2013
Mother and Child, 399 and one cub of 2013

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