Steller’s Jay

Stellar’s jays are my favorite jays because they are so pretty. Their black crest, white eyebrow, and blue on the bottom half combine to make a very attractive bird in my opinion. And like other jays, I can’t help but admire them because they look so intelligent, and they are.

Steller's Jay Looking For a Handout
Steller’s Jay Looking For a Handout

Stellar’s jays eat a wide variety of both plants and animals. In Yellowstone they eat a lot of pine seeds but they also hang out at picnic areas waiting to be fed, or to steal anything they can. I watched one walking near a picnic table several years ago. It had something in its mouth it wanted to save. It walked up to a small, dry bison patty, flipped it over, put its food down where the patty had been and then flipped the bison patty back over to cover its food. I have also watched gray jays cache food and as soon as the gray jay leaves a Steller’s jay swoops in and steals the gray jay’s stash. They will do the same thing with pine squirrels. Stellar’s jay have been proven to be able to remember over 6,000 spots where they cached food. Think about that. I can’t remember where I put my car keys most of the time.

Steller's Jay Looking Alert
Steller’s Jay Looking Alert

In Yellowstone Stellar’s jays can be found where ever there are trees and they do hang out in picnic areas. They are not as easy to find as gray jays but they aren’t uncommon.

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