Scarface Strolls the Valley


After spending 5 days in the Tetons I felt a bit out of touch with Yellowstone this morning.  A lot went on in my absence – great wolf sightings and photo ops, heartbreak in seeing that the Lamar pups are not returning home, the Mollies hanging out in Lamar, and the Lamar pack back to just two, 926 and Twin.  But, today on the wolf front, nothing.  No sightings.  The Mollies were still in Lamar but might have finally moved back south later in the morning.  Signals on 926 and Junction, but that was all – beeps to tell us that they were there.

But, the best news of the day came when Bill let us know that Scarface was in the valley.  Sounded like he was pretty far out but I headed on to see the old boy anyways.  And, by the time I arrived he was walking beside the road.


A slow, steady pace, no hurry and barely stopping to dig.  There was something kind of sad in his march, because he lacked enthusiasm.  Maybe he is still getting used to the idea of being awake.  He looks darned good for a 26 year old bear – thought he must have lost about 200 pounds over winter.  But, look!  He is back!  And what a great day.




He traveled along the Lamar River through most of the valley, coming out at the west end.


And then he fooled me and crossed behind instead of in front and so I just got this one last snippet of the legend before he headed out of view.


The bison, many of them, were confused by the snow and trying to head west again.  And, others were just plain feisty.  I don’t often see the cows kicking up their heels but this one, with only 1/2 a horn on the right side was ticked off about something and she was letting the other lady know.

Mad bison
Mad bison

She tried to fight her and she ran her around a bit.



Meanwhile, the other ladies stood back, looked pretty and watched.



And then there was the large black bear boar in Lamar Canyon.  What a pleasure to see him in a rocky forested setting, rather than on sagebrush.

Black bear in Lamar Canyon
Black bear in Lamar Canyon




The osprey are back in Lamar Canyon and it will be interesting to see where they build their nest this year.  The eagle nest in Lamar Valley does not appear to be occupied this year, though we did have a mating pair close by.  Still waiting to see what the nest in the canyon will hold.  Flocks and flocks of robins swarmed the valley today.  And, it doesn’t look like our bluebirds are getting ready to nest quite yet.

Bill also found a beautiful blonde grizzly on the other side of Lamar Valley.  Other than that, I don’t know of much more for sightings today.

We shall see what tomorrow brings.




7 thoughts on “Scarface Strolls the Valley

  1. Thanks for the great pics on Scarface. I just simply love that old bear, and have since the day in May of 2013 I saw him at Slough Creek. I love all grizzlies, but I have to say he is something so very special. Just wish that damn collar would fall off!

  2. So glade scarface made it thru another winter. would love to see this magnificent Ole bear. Heartbreaking about the Lamar pups, for there world was turned upside down in an instant. It is nature and the way of the wild but at least all of the pups all are together. Sad not to see them with mom or there soon to be siblings.

  3. Love the lively bison! Scarface is always a treat to see and bet he is hungry and weak from the long winter’s rest. The black bear looks chunky and very healthy. Always great photos!

    Glad you had a happy vacation. It has been a long winter full of anxiety over many of the wolves, and you out in the storm of it all reporting to us. Thank you so much.

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