March 15, 2015 update Yellowstone – Bluebirds and Grizzlies means Spring

Big Horn lamb
Big Horn lamb

Was back at the bison carcass on Blacktail first thing this morning and was told that a grizzly was there, first thing, but abruptly left at 6:20 a.m.  All during the day only coyotes came in, according to those who sat and waited.  But, tonight at 7:45 p.m. I arrived just in time to see a grizzly making its way across the Blacktail.  He ran across, over the road and up the hill.  That was it.  Grizzlies are out!

Dark, slow motion grizzly running across Blacktail
Dark, slow motion grizzly running across Blacktail

Earlier in the day I had gone back into Gardiner for a couple of errands and saw the cute big horn lamb up above.  I have heard that the newborns are adorable and hope to see one this year.  As it is, this one, at a year is just a cutie!

A flock of bluebirds swarmed over me in Lamar.  The four bull moose are hanging tight at the Confluence and were close to the road today, thrilling numerous visitors.

The Prospect Peak pack was at Hell Roaring today and number 13.  I saw Twin so he is not out courting 926.

The Junction Butte pack was in Little America and they singled out a bull elk and injured it pretty badly but the bull fought back with antlers.  And, so the wolves bedded close around the elk and were waiting him out.  Every time the bull tried to lie down, the wolves went after him.  No doubt that the bull will be dead in the morning, as this went on all day and was still happening at sundown.  The hunt is fascinating but harsh – hard to watch.  I don’t mind the way that nature works, when allowed to happen naturally, but don’t need to watch every little thing that happens.

As for the Lamars.  926 was still out of town, hopefully with 3 of the pups.  The other three were at the den area and slept the day away but we finally got to see them late afternoon.  Little Gray came down to the old elk carcass and grabbed himself a leg to munch on.  When I left all three were bedded together, looking more like pups instead of the big guys on the block that they thought that they were.  Who knows if mama left them behind to take them down a notch, it was an accident, or she wanted to go hunt for a new mate.  Whatever the case, I have an idea they will be back to being her little boys when she returns.  Rick did get a signal on the Mollies, so they were still in town.  Although, the signal on 779 was brief so hard to say.

Little Grey
Little Grey
Three pups
Three pups
Three pups
Three pups
Little Grey
Little Grey

Rick did tell me that the Lamar Canyons had a carcass on March 11, early in the morning.  So, they have at least one kill under their belts, since becoming a pack of a single mom and 6 pups.

The days are getting longer!  Whew.

Be back tomorrow.



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