As summer kicks into gear in Yellowstone, the interesting animal sightings begin to fade and I take to the trails in search of something new to tell you about this amazing national park.
Although, the morning did start off with a grizzly bear roaming in Soda Butte Valley, right at the base of what I like to call, Spitfire’s trail. He looked like a black spot in the sage and my hopes soared for a second that it could be our Lamar girl, but just a bear.

Speaking of wolves, it feels pretty dismal out here. Watchers continue to see the pups on the Blacktail, along with some adults. Apparently there are 6 adults and three pups. Wow! Nine, that is pretty nice. The Lamars have not been seen in awhile but through the grapevine I heard that there have been signals. Mr. Disaster and the black female were around Elk Creek today, according to some scuttlebutt, and MacNeil saw the JB yearling male in Lamar Valley, running amongst the bison. I have asked about wolf project flights and sightings of Lamar pups but Rick does not seem to know if the pups have been sighted or the plane has flown.
Since nothing else was going on, I went on a hike to Lost Lake. Been meaning to do this hike for a long time but, to tell the truth, was a little concerned about bears. I’ve heard stories about them in the area. But, today, I took the proper precautions and set out down the path, which is flanked by steep slopes on either side until it opens into a meadow before the lake. The entire trail is in a bit of a bowl that is wider in portions than in the beginning. Still some wildflowers on the slopes and the little ground squirrels were peering at me from all over. If I stood and looked closely, I could find dozens of squirrels sitting motionless.
I especially liked the squirrel babies hiding behind the grass.
The lake itself is not all that picturesque, particularly on a morning with no clouds in the sky, but it was quiet and peaceful. Very little waterfowl on the lake but it is lined with water lilies.
I got to the end of the lake and sat on a log and just enjoyed the quiet, while munching on a little breakfast. A Barrows Golden Eye flew in and at one point I looked up to find her next to me. Other than that I heard some larger animals on the steep slopes but never saw them.
My hike back was leisurely, while I took the time to look closely at the landscape and see the little things.
Until a big guy came around the trail and stopped to stare, letting me know that I needed to get out of his way. Took two shots and scrambled up the cliff. He moved on but was huffing and keeping his eye on me.
I returned to my car just as a large group of visitors took off on their own hike. But, for a couple of hours this morning I had paradise all to myself.
This hike is easy and very enjoyable. Just take bear spray and bug spray with you.
Enjoyed this hike when we were there in the beginning of the month. Thanks for all your pictures and posts Deby.
Thanks, Deby, for the info about your hike.
Sounds like you had an interesting day, Deby. Thank you for sharing. Take care of yourself my friend.
“Until a big guy came around the trail…”
Wait, what? Did you have a run-in with a bear on the trail?
Sorry,forgot to add the bison bull image.