True confessions! It is damned cold out there in Yellowstone right now. Which, would not be so bad if there was snow, and more snow coming down. I believe it was like -8 in Lamar Valley this morning, and the truth is, I don’t feel like being that cold.
Though, I do have to admit that the cold creates beauty. Such as the frost covered bison bulls. Though, I am not sure that this guy would agree today. The bulls have recently left Round Prairie, winter weary and looking for some easier food. They are not in a good mood, as I don’t believe they like to travel from their prairie and deal with the people. Today, 3 guys came down the road, moving slow and cautious.

And so, as I travel in my car, trying to stay warm against the bitter chill in the air, I look for the landscape with an animal in it.
Actually, the eagle above was taken after I had been standing outside for an hour yesterday, in hopes that the Lamar Canyons would pay a visit. I saw the eagle coming and had hoped it would come closer until seeing the way it was lit against the backdrop of Druid Peak. Which is when I realized that the flight in landscape shot was the one that I wanted all along.
But, back to bison bulls. Some have been grazing in the den area lately and every once in a while they get on top of a hill with the mountains as a backdrop, and I can’t resist putting them there in that amazing landscape with some fresh light on their reddish coats.

The animals that are surprising me the most are the four bull moose that have been hanging between Soda Butte Valley and Lamar Valley. They have now all lost their antlers, which makes them look not quite so cool for photos, but I still find them entertaining. Two days ago the foursome was in the Lamar River, on an Island, lying down and resting. All we could see was their big ears and heads in a row. A humorous sight but not a great image.
And, then, yesterday we could not find them anywhere. Evidently they found a hiding place because today they were all of the way down at Lamar Canyon, at the mouth anyway, nibbling on more willows.

And, this guy thinks he can walk on water but didn’t do so well.

Now what?

And, so, today, in the negative temperatures, I was able to angle my car just right to photograph the four moose way off in the distance. I liked the landscape, the curve of the water, the grass and the ice. But, some better light would have helped – not so harsh as this was at 9 a.m.
And, then I began heading for home because there were no wolves. No signals on the Lamars. But, I did stop and get to see 5 of the Junctions as they were running to somewhere. Unfortunately, they seemed to be following the path of the Prospects, which now number 10, with 4 pups missing. I can see where the JB’s are feeling way more confidant and strong, but they are not strong enough to take on all of those adults so let’s hope they are careful.
That was it. I went on home to light a fire and enjoy the rest of my Sunday in warmth.
Hope that you had a great day!
Hey man, aren’t you guys gonna help! Come on don’t leave me here.
He had that look, didn’t he? LOL