Overall, it was a semi-warm, rainy and slow day in Yellowstone. We began with the Lamar Canyon pack but they quickly went out of sight – see update at the bottom of this post.
I went looking for red dogs and bluebirds but both were elusive and so I opted for a hike on Specimen Ridge. The sky had cleared some and I yearned to be on that ridge, high above the Yellowstone River. Away I went! It was a slow, lazy day on top also. Though, I did find some bison and while watching them a cow and calf emerged from behind a hill. They were far off but this hike was all about the views.

After spending a short time watching the bison I went on my way. There was hawks, bluebirds and woodpeckers but all were flitting about quickly and impossible to photograph with a short lens. I was determined to go much further today, to Agate Creek, and felt good enough to do so. The wind began blowing and I had a difficult time keeping my cap on, until taking my headlamp and putting it over the top. Knew there was some reason for taking a light in the middle of the day. I was down near the peregrine nesting spot, just above, when I noticed a marmot shaped rock. Only the rock moved its head and I realized that the marmot was sitting there, on the edge of The Yellowstone gorge, enjoying its day.

This was not a shy marmot and one had to wonder what it was thinking, just sitting there as a human walked past.

After my little photo shoot with the marmot, the highlight of my day, I continued on. But, it was not long before the wind really began whipping up and I was glad that it was blowing from the south, instead of pushing me towards the edge. On I went until looking behind to find dark clouds approaching. No rain gear and an hour from the car, time to turn back and head in.
Very little rain found its way to me but off towards Tower there were rainbows and the views became even better.

There is a faint rainbow in the second image, you just have to look hard to find it.
As it turned out, I was exhausted at the end of the hike and so turning back was a good thing. But, I had two amazing hours out in the wild and enjoying life. That meant it was time for lunch and a long nap before heading home.
Really not much else to report today. Josh saw a black bear at Lower Hell Roaring yesterday but it was not there today.
Here is the weekly wolf update:
The Three Lamar Canyons
Finally, at long last, we did get to see the three remaining Lamar Canyons today, 926, T and Twin. Dark Black was with Twin several days ago and so he might be lagging behind but does seem to be showing signs of dispersing, which is too bad because he has been an aggressive hunter and they can’t afford any more losses.
The three wolves made their way to the den area and immediately crossed the road, heading south and then east, towards Cache Creek. I did not see them for long.
It is puzzling that 926 has not spent any time, except a couple of hours, in the den area for quite awhile now, as they normally hang out there for a day in between travels. In talking to Rick today, he said that both females look thin and he is not sure if either is pregnant. In my opinion, 926 has a slightly thick belly area and is a little rounded but not as much as one would expect with a due date 2 weeks away. I think that she is pregnant but do not believe that T is as her belly is concave and not at all round. Twin looked good today, a little more energetic.
926 still has a large bald spot on her belly. The Lamars were up Slough yesterday, according to the wolf project.
Rick believes that 779 is pregnant and I concur after looking at images of her – she has quite the belly. In my images the other female’s belly looks just like T’s. In fact, the Mollies looked some thinner and there are some concerns about mange, seen from the air. But, this is not certain as the bald spots are on the neck and not the usual places.
The wolf project had signals on 970 yesterday, most likely in her den area from last year. Looks like they will not get their wish to have the Junctions den at Slough, which is probably just as well for the safety of their pups. The rest of the Junctions were somewhere out Hell Roaring yesterday and Bill found them today near the Trough, heading back to the east.
Prospects were on Everts. No word on if 821 is denning or not.
Starlight was seen yesterday, near Undine Falls and very close to the road. I saw photos and she looks thin, unfortunately. My guess is that she is now a lone wolf and that it is possible that she is from the 8 Mile, due to her familiarity with the Prospects. She stood near them for several minutes. It is my belief, and many others concur, that Starlight is 2 years old. I don’t believe that she is a pup.
No grizzly sightings today, that I know of. The park was very quiet, and partly rainy. Another new bison calf so they are coming quickly now.
I took another long hike out Specimen and would have gone further but turned to see dark clouds coming my way. No rain gear with me! The wind was whipping around but I really was having the time of my life. The rain did not turn out too bad at all. Afterwards, I had a big lunch and a very long, hard nap. I just love the cool air coming in my window while sleeping.
This is today’s update. Really nothing new going on so wanted to catch you up on the wolves.

Such tough news on the Lamars. Hopefully DB will return.
Let’s hope so.