Gulf Coast Fritillary Butterflies

The following video has nothing whatsoever to do with Yellowstone but I don’t have any decent photos to show you so I hope you enjoy it. I made it for my niece, Lisa, who is the most dedicated elementary school science teacher in Texas. If all elementary schools had science teachers like her it would be a much better world.

Gulf Coast Fritillary Butterfly
Gulf Coast Fritillary Butterfly

We went into the park today and stayed on the north side. We got rained on. Then we got rained on. Then we got rained on some more. We did find Deby’s kestrel nest but got only one so so photo. Will have to go back. We saw a fox at Rainey Lake but didn’t get any shots. Did see it bury a ground squirrel though. From everything I have seen I think most foxes who have kits in a den go out to hunt and cache meals as they catch them. Then they gather them up and return to the den.

There was also a big black bear in the meadow north of the Tower Ranger Station but it was too distant for photos. And a wolf dot southeast of Junction Butte.

We came back early to pick up our truck that was being repaired in Gardiner. On the way to Gardiner it looked like it had barely rained but now we are home and guess what? It’s raining! I think it is time to search the DVD library for a movie.

4 thoughts on “Gulf Coast Fritillary Butterflies

    1. It is very nice of you to say Verne and I make a great team! Most of that movie was shot on our own passionflower vines and Turk’s caps at our house in Texas. (Where it has been raining so much our friends say are weeds are 8 feet tall. Thank goodness people can’t see our house from the road.)

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