Today was freezing and much of Lamar, the places that we wanted to see, was fogged over.
The Lamar Canyons returned to a carcass that they abandoned a week ago Monday when they went high into the hills and I got to see a few of them slipping through the fog to their napping spot. Later with the help of Rick, I got to see 5 or 6 of them bedded above the carcass – one rock has ears so I think that is number six. Meaning BG and the GPS collared pup were out of view. I worry about the young boy since he got his jewelry – something about that experience has changed his personality.
870 was up on specimen, high, on the top. She stood and walked and looked like she was moving well. Thanks to a guide who let me look through his scope, I finally got to see her right before she moved out of sight.
911, 970 and the Junction pups and yearlings, totaling 8 with the black pup hanging at the fringes, were up high on the opposite side of the valley from the Lamars. I want them to go away, from the valley and from the Junctions. Not very nice of me but honest.

This golden eagle is a part of story, three days in the making, that I just don’t have the heart to tell right now. Another sad moment in Yellowstone.
Three bull moose were hanging in Soda Butte Valley.

Here are two of them – off in the distance. The snow has gotten very deep and I just could not get up the energy to hike out to see these guys.
Have not seen the otters in several days.
Elk are everywhere and the bison are frozen. The bison have begun their going back and forth – out of the park and back in. I feel bad for them in this deep snow because so many need to take the road but folks get impatient with them. I did see a herd of bison outside of the park, on the lawn at my old place, and hunters lining the road. So glad that I don’t live on Old Yellowstone Trail this winter!
And, the elk are leaving the park also, heading out to Paradise Valley, but eating along the highway as they go. Between the deer, the elk and the bison, the highway gets very dangerous this time of year and caution is advised.

My most cherished moment of the day, after seeing 870 alive and well, was when the fog lifted and the sun glanced off of the frozen world of Lamar Valley.
And, another day in Yellowstone came to an end.
I don’t know which I like better, the eagle (with entourage) or the frozen landscape and trees against the blue…just beautiful!
Thanks Dianna. I am kind of fond of the entourage as well.
Love the moose photo and the snow covered trees. Makes me want to visit in winter someday. For now, I’ll stick with spring visits and hope it warms up by the time I get there.
LOL, it is a bit cold right now but so beautiful.
So happy you saw 870F. Come on Junction kids take her some food and love!
Jane, I would like to believe that they are visiting her and possibly even making sure she gets enough to eat. Our girl has been through this before and she knows how to survive. She wants her family back and I feel like 890 is probably hanging on the fringes as well. Speculation but hopeful.