My day started out great when this grizzly crossed the road in front of me. Except that he continued running up hill with only the briefest stop and glance backwards. Guessing that he is not a roadside bear.
So, I threw the beanbag on the hood of the car and fired off a couple of shots just to have my first griz of the year done and over with. Now we look forward to the glamour, action shots that are sure to come. Oh, and the coy! I can’t wait.
Ended up being our biggest grizzly day yet, with four sightings. I saw three of the four. One was up high at Slough and two were out at Hell Roaring, so this was the only close sighting.
They are looking a little scruffy but if you want big horn shots, they are all around Wrecker, Junction Butte and Specimen Ridge.
We were remarking today at how many elk and pronghorn there are. They had a good season last year with a lot of green grass to eat and an easy winter. Also, the coyote population was down and so more pronghorn fawns survived.
On to the wolves – The Junction Buttes played center stage again today. Found at Slough Creek, lounging on the hillside, they eventually got up to harass numerous elk and chase bison around. Another good chase show. There must be more than 1000 elk in the Slough Creek area alone, so it is interesting that the JB’s keep chasing bison. They eventually returned to their elk carcass and were kind enough to lounge around in the open, in Buffalo Fjord.
The Prospect Peak Pack were at Hell Roaring, numbering 8. They were going east but seemed to disappear. Kind of worried that they would bother the JB’s, now that they are relaxed again and spending time on home turf, but they never showed up.
926’s group was around and not seen. Nothing on the pups.
One of the snow removal guys in Canyon told me that he saw the Canyons recently, on a carcass at Grizzly Overlook. Actually, they were standing in the road very close to him. He has seen them a couple of times but has not seen Grandpa and Lady Love.
He did say that the White Lady is limping badly and looked thin. She did not look pregnant to him.
I hung out pretty much all day but it was slow. So, took a great hike, this time following a game trail into some amazing habitat. The day was gray and dull so I did not take any photos but sure did enjoy getting way back off of the road and exploring new landscape.
See you tomorrow.
How old is she now? Hate to see them in pain or struggling.
Hope the White Lady recovers from her limp.
She’s the only wild wolf I’ve ever seen. Such a beauty.
Hope to see more this summer and the pups!
The limp has been with her for awhile but some times is worse than others. I hope you get to see more this summer too!
Bringing a scope and lots of patience and I hope luck.
Thank you Deby for inspiring me to get out in nature! Xx
Always love to hear any news about the Canyons! And even from “our spot”!!
Yes – same here. I hope she hangs in for awhile – can’t stand the thought of losing more wolves right now.