Another day on puppy watch

Do you remember after 925 was attacked and I came rushing home from the Tetons to be here for what would happen next? He died two days later, I believe, and I watched as 926 mourned her lover’s death. So sad and frustrating were those times when she laid around the den area, not bothering to hunt.

Lamar Canyon den area as seen from Dead Puppy  Check out my new scope!  it works really well
Lamar Canyon den area as seen from Dead Puppy Check out my new scope! it works really well


Lamar Canyon den area as seen from Dead Puppy  Check out my new scope!  it works really well
Lamar Canyon den area as seen from Dead Puppy Check out my new scope! it works really well

And then when she went traveling, going far west and following the trail of the Prospects. She ended up at or very near a Prospect carcass before finally heading back to Lamar. I wondered at the time if she was on a suicide mission, one of revenge, or somehow communicating her availability. When all was said and done I believe it was the later.

And, then the pups chewed on the old, old bison carcass for a time. They were losing weight and we wondered if she could feed all six of them herself. And then the little miracle or a roadkill deer came her way and 926 snuck off from that old bison carcass and fed herself with gusto. I watched her eat on a hill near the road but when she heard Cliff come around the curve she quickly gathered her food and disappeared into the forest. It was amazing that 926 had found the carcass so quickly, from such a long distance and even more amazing that her children did not know where she was. The pups continued gnawing on bones while mom ate some meat. I reasoned that she needed the food so that she could get back to the business of being a mom.

The following morning I heard a different howl than in previous days – it was not the mournful, where are you my love, desperately lost sort of howl, but one of business and let’s get going. Maybe I smiled for the first time in about 12 days when she called the troops and headed out for the hunt. We were able to watch them for a while, testing different elk along the way. At the time the hills were covered with elk and, despite not much snow, hunting was good. The yearlings were active in the hunt, circling around behind, spreading out and watching, and doing some chasing. I knew then that the Lamar Canyons would eat and be okay – they could survive.

But, there was the little matter of the pups that 926 was carrying – the final legacy of 925. Let me say here that when he first came around 925 appeared about worthless and looked to be sponging off of the girls. He was kind of dopey, with his bad right ear and slow ways, but looks were deceiving because in the end, 925 was a legend who not only provided very well for his family of six pups and mate, but he also gave his life so that they could live. And, so, of course I dearly wanted to see 925’s final pups survive and thrive but how would 926 do that without a mate?

It was clear that her pups would try to do their part but the more time that passed the harder it would be to introduce a new male into the pack, particularly with 4 yearling males. The Lamars got their carcass and fed well for a couple of days before returning to the den area.

There was a bison carcass on the Blacktail that caught my attention when the Prospects, Twin in particular, was feeding early one morning. I stopped and watched, trying for photos but there was not much light. And, of course, the wolves wandered off once the lights came on. Meanwhile, the Mollies had been in Lamar for awhile but no one could have guess what would happen. Certainly not me, or I would have been there. But, just as when Big Grey was attacked, it was one of those rare mornings when I did not go to Lamar.

And, so, we begin a pattern of the big events only happening during my rare absences, which is the point of this story. That was the morning the Lamar males decided to go try and climb a vertical wall to get to the Mollies pack of 12 wolves. I heard the story later and had mixed feelings about not being there as it would have been hard to watch, as would have the attack on 925. Perhaps I was spared but it seems more likely that there is some sort of bad luck that is blocking me from seeing what I have worked so hard to see. The real life interactions of the wolves.

The fact that 06′ was killed right after I arrived meant that there had been more coming and going quickly than wolves interacting with one another. Luckily, the Lamar pups couldn’t make it up the cliff and mom was able to call them back to her. And, luckily, the Mollies were not looking for a fight.

The next day mom left with her daughters, leaving the bad boys behind for a couple of days. 926 proceeded to follow the Mollies and I worried for her safety. Perhaps she was looking for a mate and checking out the yearling males, it is hard to say. But, she came back safely and it seemed that things would finally begin to settle down.

But, no, that was when the Prospect 4 showed up – Twin, Mottled, Dark Black and 965. It seemed strange that they had just been on the Blacktail with the bison carcass and then suddenly were here, close to the road in some dense fog. The howling was intense but by the time the fog lifted all was quiet. We only knew that 965 was there, because Rick got his signal, but did not know about any others. Both Twin and 965 had come calling on 926 in February – Twin from afar while 965 got right into the pack mix and was chased off. It was later in the day that we realized that all 4 males were there, when we saw them in the den area, trying to find 926. And, so I was here for that drama, as the boys and 926 met up and the pups left, most of them for good.

I was ecstatic that 926 would have a mate or 4 and that her family would be well provided for, but did not know that the consequence would be the loss of the pups, soon to be yearlings. But, at the end of the next day, when she left with the 4 males, she turned and called to her children, begging them to join, but they refused. And, so, then I was on high alert, waiting for those pups to come back. It was stressful watching the pack fall apart, after they had been doing so well. After finally seeing 925 looking light and happy, and watching the family travel together. We did not get to see much interaction, just the coming and the going.

And, there was more stress from a different sort of animal who tore apart everything that I did and did its best to cause me more troubles. The constant criticism and the turning of others against me was always present, with no relief. And, the pups being gone was always present. People wanted answers and there were none and at last I needed a break and returned to the Tetons. And, less than 24 hours after leaving was when the Lamar pups were seen all together for one last time when they got a carcass at Lava Creek. And, so I missed another important event.

At least one of the Lamar yearling males has now been poached and the other three may or may not be out there some where. The upside of the poaching is that 926’s daughters returned and remain with the pack that now numbers 7, with all 4 males having come, gone and returned.

And, so we are at the next event, the unveiling of the puppies. And, once again I prove that huge effort, long days and commitment mean little in Wolf World. It is all about those things and a lot of luck, of which I seem to have very little. Despite being here everyday my photo ops have been non-existent and getting worse. It seems that I can sit here for hours on end but nothing will happen until I leave. My camping time is nearly over and I have hiked hard and stood long, hoping to see the Lamar pups.

Today was nearly 6 hours of sitting on the hill, with more of those dang biting flies, and looking through a scope. I had about the best view possible of the den area and looked thoroughly between trees, watching for movement in grass but nothing. Possibly two different sightings of 965 as he moved through a clearing where I eventually saw a black bear, but only possibly. It was large grey movement and that is all I know.

I would like to travel somewhere for my remaining 10 days of homelessness but know that everything will happen in my absence and nothing in my presence.

For, that is how it goes these days. I can not stand the thought of leaving and not seeing the pups and, by now, I know that there is no counting on tomorrow in Wolf World.

2 thoughts on “Another day on puppy watch

  1. Thanks for the summary and the nice words about 925-Big Gray. He could be counted on. I liked his lope, he had such long wolf legs!

    Now his pups have been seen!!

    Keep it up Deby, appreciate all your work.

  2. You brought some tears with this story. The passion is so evident, the hurt of some towards you adds to the tears, knowing that you do not deserve such treatment. I can only hope your reward will be the viewing of those pups before anyone else.
    Then you can come down here and do the horse tours and see new country for a few days or more. I wish.
    I hope your hard work is rewarded any day now. It will be a joyous occasion for all!

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