A big thank you!

Taking a bow
Taking a bow


A big thank you to everyone who has joined The Yellowstone Daily and to Judy for her wonderful stories and photographs.  We have gone beyond 100 members and are growing daily, surpassing all expectations.  I thought that the growth would be much slower while people got used to the idea of paying for what has been free.  By subscribing to this site you have made it much easier for me to be in Yellowstone and to continue sharing my images and stories – and are enabling me to do it all even better than before.

We are in the beginning phases and the site will have several transitions as I add contributors, begin the Yellowstone photo and story forum, accept advertising and add a daily sighting page.  A lot of great content planned and I hope to keep you informed and entertained with fresh eyes and enthusiasm.

But, it all takes time and right now I am camping and having the best darned time.  Truly enjoying my time in the park and am in the process of working out internet and cell service issues that have plagued me since travels began.  Once those are resolved I can provide more content on a more timely basis.  In the meantime, I am quite pleased with the stories you have gotten thus far.

So, while we are in the transition/planning stages, how about some suggestions?  What would you like to see added to The Yellowstone Daily?  I am eager to hear what you have to say.

Thanks for all of your great comments, I read them every chance I get at an internet signal and they make me smile.

No, I am going back to work!  Have a great rest of your day.


6 thoughts on “A big thank you!

  1. I enjoy all the photos, there can never be too many along with the stories. I love Yellowstone NP and this site is so interesting and well worth the small fee. Keep up the good work.

  2. I love the posts from you and Judy. I especially like this site because it’s exactly what I want to read, every day, without searching. FB was great, but more like running into you in a crowd, this is more like visiting you at your home.
    I would love to hear about the different places you visit, the ones you mention in your posts. I know I could look at a map to see where you are, but would love an insider’s view about the terrain, the trees, what likely birds/animals hang out there and if I want to visit what I should know beforehand. Hope this makes sense.

  3. It was the photography that originally led me to the site. As a beginner, I can only hope I will someday produce images that others will enjoy viewing. A photography discussion/forum or weekly tip for us shutterbugs would be fun. I check in several times a day and always look forward to the latest images and stories from my favorite place (Yellowstone is starting to surpass Denali for me).

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