I have to admit that one of the things that I never expected to see in nature was a grizzly bear taking a nap! But, there THEY were, two grizzlies napping in close proximity to one another.
But this guy, pictured above, was such a sleeping character as he stretched and slept. At one point his hind leg was stretched out and above the ground, and another time his front paw was on his cheek. He was having a good rest and quite cozy.
That is one of the things I love about these bears – they are characters with huge personalities. This particular bear is the same one that emerged from the smoke during the Alum Creek fire last year and ended up crossing the river near us, at one point putting his head under water.
What the two bears were doing sleeping so close together is a mystery also. I did not realized that they were that social when not mom and cubs. Apparently this guy allowed the 4 year olds closer to the bison carcass than even their own mom would allow.
From what people could figure, there were 6 different bears on the Trout Creek carcass, along with 4 different wolves. Which makes me wonder if 755 has his girl and has gone off to a secret spot? Some folks thought that Scarface was on the carcass but no one could be sure and they tried to get him with telemetry but no signal. Just 5 days ago Scarface was in Little America but that guy does get around.
After thoroughly enjoying myself, watching the big dark character sleep, the other bear decided that nap time was over and got up to wander along the road for even more attention.

Turning into rather a gorgeous bear, I would say. Looks larger in this photo than it seemed in person but it is cool to see how healthy and shiny this bears coat is. And, it sure does not look hungry.
Well, with the bison dying left and right in Hayden, they should not be hungry. Another bison, a young bull, is the latest rut casualty and happens to be in a great spot for viewing. I am so hoping to see some grizzly/wolf interaction on this one because it is the perfect place for that to happen. Not easy to get to but great viewing. I sat there most of the day, waiting and sleeping but no action. Still terribly sick so was bundled in hat and jacket.
The weather is crazy, cold, windy and raining one minute and then warm and sunny the next.
Stopped to see the Lamar Canyons this morning but there had only been a brief viewing of Spitfire and and nice howl by the pups. It was a wolf less day for me because I did not stop at Slough.
Thoroughly enjoyed myself in Hayden today. The bear jams were both well managed and laid back. They make sure everyone can view the action, if at all possible, which seems to keep people from trying to get closer, and they keep the people and animals safe. Not sure why it works so well down there but it does.
The one snoozing is really funny! Who knew??
I love both of them but the one with its leg in the air is a real hoot. I wonder how it can sleep with a leg in the air?