The Spitfire Family

Mini Mom
Mini Mom

Yes, that is what you think it is!  A mini-version of Spitfire running though the sagebrush in their current rendezvous area.

First, let me apologize for the lack of posts – I have been ill and have been trying to focus on getting photos of the Lamar Canyon pups.  Well, no, that is not quite accurate – I was focused on seeing that they are okay and so did not even carry my camera out during the terrific first close sighting and confirmation that at least six puppies are still with us.

Let me take a step back on yesterday’s sighting:

The plane flew over the den area and mom quickly left a carcass and took the quickest route back to her pups,  running right past several people who were lined along the road.  I did not see her until she was up the hill and nearly out of sight. The main wolf watchers, Jeremy, Kathy, Doug and Rick were way out in the sage and I went racing out there, while flipping off the plane and cussing them out.  Maybe inappropriate behavior but it is my belief that Spitfire is very sensitive to human intrusions on her new life with a lot of mouths to feed and it seems as though every time we finally spot the family she moves.  It is my fear that she will move them to a location that she does not feel as comfortable with, that might not be quite as safe and where we will never see them. Mostly, I am worried about her panicking and moving somewhere that she is not as intimately familiar with – including the various wildlife in the are.  And, that the area might put her closer to the danger/hunting zone.

Because of these fears, it is my belief that this family should be left alone.  I think that with two adults caring for 7 puppies, that they have enough to worry about.  And, their survival means everything to many people and to the park.  The resurgence of the Lamar Canyon pack after hunters splintered them with their bullets.  Wolves running across Lamar Valley once again.  Wolves playing the role of creating advocates who might one day save their lives.

I believe that their survival is much more important than our need to see them while the pups are still at a fragile age.

Don’t get me wrong, it is great to see the pups!  And, I am happy to know that six pups are still alive, and was happy to hear the howl off to the right of where the plane was seeing the six pups, indicating that the seventh pup was there also.  We already know that Big Daddy was busy at the carcass while the plane was flying over his family.  But, the number of circles that it took to get that count, as the plane flew lower and lower, was unnerving.  And, one person said that Spitfire seemed disturbed by the plane.

Anyway, that is enough of that part of the story – I will hope and pray that she stays right where she is, in their safe home.  If not, guess we will have to deal with that. So, yes, I was screaming at that damned plane. The wolf project, watching including, is responsible for disturbing the wolves much more than any photographer I know.  We can’t even get 100 yards from the animals, so how much damage can we do?

Rick and the others heard me screaming and I told them, “Well, she is going to move now.”

They told me that the wolf project has been doing this for a long time and I said, “Well, I think that they underestimate how sensitive she is.”

And then, suddenly, there were pups to see and Rick was anxious to calm me down and let me see the babes. My frustration quickly changed to delight and I could not get enough of seeing those cute faces.  I do think that we saw all seven puppies yesterday.  They are sure one big mess of black little mini moms!  And the gray is big and gorgeous.  Stunning actually.  He looks like daddy but his ear does not flop over.  We are guessing on the he part but it is most likely accurate.  I am also guessing that daddy give him extra treats.

These two parents must be so proud.

And to think that there were only three of us, myself and my friends Eilish and Tracy, who were Spitfire fans.  I would sit out there for hours waiting to see that wolf.  And, I just knew that she was something special.  Others came around to her side when Middle Grey disappeared, and still others became enamored with Spitfire because of all of the tales told about her.  And, she was very visible for a time – out there scrounging for food to feed everyone.

It makes me very emotional to think of Spitfire as a mom but to know what a good mom she is – well, you can’t imagine and there are no words.  If any female wolf can bring the Lamar Canyons back, it would be Spitfire.

So, I spent all day out at the site yesterday, hoping that maybe she would take pups to the carcass or something but other than some howls and a brief sighting of her, there was nothing.  Later in the day mama went to feed and I saw her sneaking her return.  A black and a grey pup were seen but only brief sightings.

This morning she was at the carcass when I arrived and once again snuck back to the pups.  Other than this one black pup, we did not see any others.  And, so my fears of her hiding or moving are renewed.

I do believe that the commotion on the road is going to disturb her – and with people following her up and down the road, it makes it hard for her to cross.  I wish that people would just let her be!  But, she is a sneaky one and she will do everything that it takes to survive.

Here she is last Fall, in peak condition and getting ready for this huge litter of pups.  I love this image of her because it was one of the last before she was collared.  And, because she looked beautiful that day.

spitfirefall2013001There are now three carcasses – two in Little America and one out by Lamar.  I apologize but can not in good conscience give full details on the Lamar Canyon pack when they are having troubles crossing the road to feed.  No one should be giving details on this pack if it might interfere with their ability to survive.

I want to remind you that everything I write about is seen through my own eyes, using my own resources, unless otherwise specified.  No one sends me emails, calls on the phone or radio, or sends me texts.  I have to be there!  There were only 5 of us present yesterday when we got the news of the puppies and saw them, so very few could recount a personal experience of this particular event.

All of my words and all of my images are copyright protected.  If I see any form of my information being used or repeated on any Facebook page whose goal it is to supply wolf information, I will go after them.  On personal pages it is important that credit be given for anything shared.

If you are visiting the park and would like more information, please send me an email to [email protected].  I am still camping and so am slow to respond but that will be done with soon.

One thought on “The Spitfire Family

  1. Oh Deby I am so glad you got to see some of the puppies!! And the photo of Spitfire looks wonderful. She is so filled out in comparison to the last time I saw her. Warms the cockles of my heart! Thank you!

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