Determination to see the Lamar Canyons on their morning romp got me out of the door even earlier today. But, the wolves slept in and decided to put on their show when the valley was full of people eager to see the family performance. Must have been about 6:15 or 6:30 by the time they began to move away from the den area and go in search of food. But, the main show did not take place for at least another hour.
The wolves scared up some elk, ran some bison and wanted to cross the road but there were too many cars. But, not for 926, Twin and one of the yearlings as they did cross into the valley floor. And, not far from a crowd of people standing out in the sagebrush, 926 began to dig what some thought might be a badger den. She dug and dug. Twin was anxious to go hunting but when he saw that his gal was going to be busy for awhile he joined her. He peed and she peed and got the last word. I sure would like to know what special ingredient this wolf has as I admire her courage and strength.
When the digging was done 926 did some howling, trying to get the others to join them but Mottled, 965 and the other yearling would not cross the road. And, so the alphas and the yearling went on an adventure that took them out Cache Creek. I did not hear when they came back or if there was any indication of a carcass because I decided to leave early this evening and check to see if Quad Mom was on Swan Lake Flats. Bill told me that someone might have seen her with two yearlings the night before. That would be good news.

After our fantastic morning with the wolves was over, the rain poured from the sky and I slept in the Footbridge pullout, oblivious to everything.
I heard from Dan and Laurie that Lizzie had seen the White Lady down in the southwest portion of the park and that it appeared she was nursing. And, so I was going to head south, over Dunraven, in hopes of finding 755 and then maybe go look for the Canyons.
But, there was Rosie on the hill near the Yellowstone River Bridge and I felt like a crossing was imminent. I just wanted to witness one of these events before she kicks those cubs and so hung out for the next 3 hours. Yep, waited out several downpours, a long nap, and a lot of lingering along the way. But, the family did eventually cross the bridge with no trauma. The rangers did a great job in making sure the bridge would be clear when the time came and it worked!
The family then went up to the Yellowstone Picnic area, killed a fawn, which they drug up a tree to eat, and then looked for more. Rosie did a grid pattern through the sage and the cubs lingered in a tree before following in her tracks. They eventually crossed the road again, to continue the fawn search, which is when I left.

These are just some of the Rosie images from today.

Rosie’s cubs are pretty darned cute but nothing beats the twin pronghorn fawns in Little America.

This is not chick or whatever owl babies are called but one fledged today and landed on the sup’s roof top. The other one was still in the nest tree and flapping its wings. Meanwhile, the adult had to contend with the mad magpie.
Late this afternoon I got a call from Bill. He was excited to tell me that 755 and Lady Love were hunting in Hayden Valley. I have yet to see the guy this year and it is about time to see him! Good to hear that they and the Canyons are doing well. Thinking puppies!
I forgot to mention the courting pair of black bears – one cinnamon and one black. They were running, running, running. Every once in a while the black would turn back and do a little dance with the cinnamon before running on. Pure joy to watch.
It was a fabulous day in Yellowstone!
We leave Flagstaff for Yellowstone June 8. Your photos are fantastic,thanks mucho for sharing. Betty Hoyt
What incredible photos and stories!! Thank you for being so generous and sharing these treasures with those of us who would love to be there, too. Lots of smiles today.
Derby look like a wonderful day of photos for you, again thanks for sharing. Beautiful 🙂
You got at least a couple of weeks worth of fantastic photos in one day!! Wonderful!! Every once in a while all of the hours, days, weeks, and months pay off.
Wonderful pictures! So glad you had an awesome day.
Blissful!!! Thanks for sharing! I may try and make a run out there this summer with my daughter if it is at all possible!
Wonderful words, fabulous pictures. Thanks Deby for your enthusiasm.
Great photos and stories!
The best news of all to start my day.
Thank you Deby!
Love how you can sleep with the sound of the rain. Xx
What beauty there is everywhere in YNP.
Thank you.
I was in Hayden and just missed seeing 755 and his girl chase the elk into the river. Very cool, I spoke to Bill a bit about the wolves before he left for the night.
So sorry you missed him! Saw Bill up looking for Quad Mom afterwards.
And Rosie & her cubs are beyond gorgeous!!
What a wonderful day!! Thanks for sharing Deby!! So happy for my favorite guy 755 – a new lady and a new family and my favorite grandparents, still going strong (love their story wish someone would write it and 755’s)!! Wonder if they will babysit – LOL!
Once again wonderful cute photos thanks Deby!!! Glad you had a good day
Deby every time I read some of your stories it just makes me a little more sad that we couldn’t make the trip this year. It seems as though the action is really fantastic.
Awesome photos yet again, Debi! I enjoy them very much!