Gorgeous day in Yellowstone and it was a day for love in Wolf World.
First thing this morning, at barely dawn, I rounded a curve in Little America and saw a big black creature lifting his leg on a snow pole. He finished his business, looked at me and cross the road and went up on the bank. It was Twin. I could scarcely believe my eyes as this was a moment I had been dreaming about.
I turned around, grabbed my bean bag and camera and began trying to photograph the gorgeous Twin in very little light. Some times it works if you can keep the camera still and with a bean bag it really helps to absorb the movement.
After the first few shots I set the camera to video so I could continue capturing him and his howling yet still radio to let folks know about the wolf sighting. Check out the video on my Running Wolf Nature Photography by Deby Dixon Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/debydixonphotography
But, when I talked into the radio, as you will see in the video, Twin heard me and he looked right at me before moving off just a little ways where he commenced to howling some more.
Twin howled a while and then he took off for Specimen Ridge, in search of his girl, 969.
By the time Twin took off we had people everywhere, wanting to see wolves. And, it turned out to be a great day for wolf watching because after Twin left we found the rest of the Prospect boys to the north where they were playing with a bison and each other. It was great entertaining fun to watch them for quite a long time before they decided to move off.
Afterwards I went out to Lamar but missed the Lamar Canyons as they had traveled about 400 yards from the road and disappeared somewhere up around Trout Lake. There is still snow out on Round Prairie, as opposed to other areas of the park.
We had a couple of moose at the Confluence and big horns all over the hill. I did not see any foxes again today.
I headed back towards Little America and Jeremy found 969 and 907 up on Specimen Ridge. Dang, I wanted 969 to have the boys to herself! Jeremy lost them and I picked them up further down the road and so had to wave people down to let them know. Set my scope up and a bunch of high school kids ran over and took it over. I think that they all got to see the wolves as they traveled the ridge. That danged 911 was trying to follow the girls but they did end up ditching him somewhere.
Meanwhile, Twin re-crossed the road to the west of me. I had been trying to get there, kind of figuring he would cross again but had to stay with the scope so missed that action.
Before long the girls came down and were smelling all over where I had seen Twin.

Must have been some good smells because the girls couldn’t get enough.

The girls wanted to cross but there were too many people every which way they turned.

The girls ended up going back up Specimen but then snuck back down later and still couldn’t get across. But, they were determined.

They went and bedded out of sight for awhile. Later on I was standing at Boulder, talking with someone, and 969 snuck across the road and headed in the direction of Twin. One down, one to go. It was not long before Kirsty reported seeing 969 get to the boys and go off in the trees with Twin and another black.
But, 907 was stuck behind and she wanted to join. She too tried to cross the road but couldn’t get through the crowds. The rangers tried to help her but it was just too much.
At that time I decided to head for home. Sam was photographing some big horns down at Wrecker and we saw some spook from a beautiful setting. I then went up to Ricks and looked and looked for the wolves. But, it turned out that they were at Junction Butte, near Wrecker. Dave Shumway spotted the wolves but they got spooked back from him. But he did catch this moment that I had been waiting to see.

Dave says that they weren’t successful but that they sure did try. I am sure they will get it right.
Not sure what will happen when 907 arrives on the scene but there are a few other guys that she can have – Twin is spoken for. I am confidant that 969 got the big prize.
And, so Happy Valentine’s Day from Wolf World.
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Enjoyed the story and the great photos Deby!!
So happy you are getting to see the wolves ! Pictures are beautiful, wolves look nice and healthy !
Absolute love!!
Love in wolf world. Let’s hope they get it right. But boy he sure likes trying. Lol