Today was dedicated to getting caught up on the wolves and I really lucked out in being able to have a conversation with Rick, during which he filled me in on everything.
The big news is that we do not know the status of 970F. She is the alpha female of the Junction Butte pack and has been missing since she went into the den, presumably, just in another location to the south. We have been mystified by the fact that the males, or the pups/yearlings, did not seem to be traveling to 970’s den area to care for her. It has been as if they abandoned her. Until about the middle of last week, Rick had only had signals on 970 one time and so she yielded few clues.
Then, last week, Rick got her signal at Slough Creek and had it in the same place for a few days until Saturday when he got a mort code on her. It could very well be that she lost her collar and is fine. The wolf plane flew today, trying to find her but did not see her body. They checked thoroughly and so are wondering if she did lose the collar. I believe they will hike out tomorrow to see what is going on – they have to do a river crossing and so will be taking the long way around. I am not much of a 970 fan but she is such a strong female and leader – the pack was failing until she took over. Though, I have every confidence in 969 and 907. With so many losses this year, losing another wolf would be heartbreaking.
All ten adults were seen at the Slough den area today. Rick says that he has not seen any pups yet.

Onto the Wapiti pack, which is just as uncertain as the Junctions. You might recall that the Mollies pack was in Hayden Valley recently, on a carcass. Apparently, the Wapiti female is not denned in her usual area and they believe that is because the Mollies were there. I am thinking that she was probably already denned at that time. The alphas, only, were seen by a ranger two days after the Mollies left and so are fine. The yearling was not seen at that time, though I believe I saw her the day after the Mollies left. There is some concern that the Wapiti pups might have been lost to the Mollies. I sure hope not. 755 is an old guy and doesn’t have much time left. Would be a bleak summer in Hayden without Wapiti pups for entertainment.

And, last but not least, the Lamar Canyons. 926 went into her den on May 1, just as I had predicted. May Day puppies! The plane did not get signals on Dark Black today but did get 926 at the den. There have been no sightings of T since mama went into the den. And, there have been no definite sightings of Twin for quite some time. It would be nice to see him and know he is still with us. Rick does think it is possible that T was pregnant and so she could be denned also. Keeping my fingers crossed for the pack but only cautiously optimistic.
Because, the Mollies seem to be taking up residence in Lamar Valley.

Today we saw two black Mollies wolves – 1015, two year old black male, and a black without a collar. They had a bison calf carcass on the river. Apparently, 1014, three year old black male, had been in the Lamar earlier but had left by the time the plane flew. In the past the Mollies have always been together, never wandering from one another, but these wolves have been spread out in their own corners. The black without the collar was to the north, near Druid Peak.
I am thinking that some Mollies are dispersing, possibly because 779 found a new mate, and so asked Rick. He said that their behavior was very unusual for denning season and so it is possible that some dispersals are going on. He said that they head back to Pelican Valley and he thinks that will be the last he sees of them, but that they turn right around and come back north. If they are dispersing, they are looking at Lamar Valley for their new home, which doesn’t bode well for our Lamar Canyons. The Slough Creek pack was begun by Mollies males. The Junction Buttes were begun by Mollies females and Blacktail males. If 970 has passed away, 779 will be the only one left of all of the sisters – 859, 870, Ragged Tail and 889 – all gone.
Did go to Canyon and looked for the Wapitis today but no luck. The wolf plane did have 755 in the area. And, then went down south, towards Old Faithful, looking for the Canyons, but no luck. People occasionally see a wolf at Swan Lake Flat, which would probably be an 8 Mile.
There have been numerous sightings of a mystery wolf in the Floating Island to Yellowstone Picnic Area – I saw a photo today and it is definitely the beauty that we had on the Blacktail with the bison carcass.
I spoke to rangers at Canyon and they say that Hayden Valley is dead – with only about two bison and nothing else. Sure hope it picks up by Friday – opening day.
There was a black bear near Floating Island today. A lot of folks shooting birds these days. The osprey in Lamar Canyon were busy catching fish.
The sow and three cubs was seen briefly this afternoon and was attempting to cross the river but the cubs would not go.
A sow and three cubs were seen up high on Crystal – probably LA Sow.
Hope you are getting ready to visit Yellowstone!
Thank you for this update, Deby.
I hope everything turns out well for the Lamar Canyons, they so deserve it. Feeling sorry about 970F, fingers crossed that they will find her alive. And sweet 755M, my goodness, he deserves a good life too.
Wishing all wolves the very best, although I must remind myself they are living wild and free and dangerous lives.
Thank you for the update. Hoping for the best for all the Yellowstone wolf packs, but sending extra good wishes for the Lamars and new pups that they be well fed.
A lot of uncertainty in wolf world. Sure hope we didn’t lose any of the waiting pack yearlings. That would be devastating. I hope the Lamar canyons can make a go of it this year after losing all the pups last year. See you soon!