(If you didn’t see yesterday’s post this is a continuation of a story about the Yellowstone Picnic Area foxes. Read the previous 3 posts to catch up.)
May 26, 2014 Day 4 – The Kids
The YPA fox babies had two speeds, stop and go. Stop equaled sleeping which they did quite a bit of, always down in their den. Just imagine a line of 50 or more photographers with big lenses, tripods, the whole nine yards, standing in a line, so we wouldn’t block each other’s view, standing for hours waiting for nap time to be over. Even if you weren’t watching the den, which everyone was, you knew when they woke up and emerged for play time by the constant click of camera shutters. They had a variety of games when it was “go” time: chase the tail, chase Mom’s tail, jump on Mom, jump on their sibling, and my favorite tug-of war with a ground squirrel in between the two babies. I am pretty sure they never ate the ground squirrels, they just were a nice smelling toy to play with.
Really enjoying hearing about this fox family. Thank you.
That made me smile. And reminded of of this year’s line.