I had several requests for sunflowers and so managed to edit a couple of them while waiting near a carcass all day. Yes, all day!
Yesterday I watched two wolves attempt to take down a cow elk – all day – just to have the elk win after I left. Some video but no photos to speak of.
Today, before dawn, I found a grizzly leaving a new carcass and there was another grizzly eating the carcass. Went and fueled and sat all day but the only thing that came, besides birds, was a coyote. No photos again.
But, some good news – 755 was seen with his girl today. So, the rumor about him being shot was also false. And we know that the Junction Buttes weren’t buried by a grizzly while in their den a few days ago. Rumors and Yellowstone!
So, here are a few more images from my wonderful trip to Big Horn Canyon.

After finding the sunflowers I found these guys, feasting on a raccoon that had been struck by a car.

This guy was on the Montana side of the Beartooth. I took video of him screaming.

There were bluebirds everywhere, particularly on top of Pryor Mountain with the wild mustangs. They added to the magic.

I love sunflowers!

Morning light and a little of the scenery and landscape of Big Horn Canyon.

Found these three horse on the “Dry Road” down low on my first night at the Canyon. I loved that they were near the river and that there were sunflowers – wild ones!

And, of course, this guy was up on the mountain, over looking the canyon.
That is the end of today’s story.
I too vote for the single sunflower photo…and will be requesting 10 greeting cards of that before long, just so you know. It is everything that is desirable about flower photos…the colors are just amazing…and the form is to die for!
I also love the TV photo…nature’s cleaning crew. There is a third dead whale on the beach in Grayland…blunt force trauma killed it; turkey vultures are fat and sassy as it is just too big to bury.
I have never been into horses, but you manage to show their awesome beauty and power….and lots of nicks and bite marks!
Still love your adventures. Keep ’em coming!
Thank you!
Thanks for the beautiful sunflowers, especially the closeup of the single one, and the pika. Never too many pika pictures!! But maybe one too many turkey vulture photos, although deep down I do admire them.
Judy, there is only one turkey vulture photo! I loved seeing them there on the bales of straw. Thank you.
Glad to hear you saw Grandpa and that he still has his new friend with him. I think I saw you along the side of the road today at the new carcass, but we didn’t stop. You were talking with someone else and I didn’t want to interrupt. It also sounds like we were at the same place yesterday as 870 & 890 was going after the elk, but it was such a zoo I didn’t notice you!
Sorry you did not get to stop! It was pretty crazy though. Next time feel free to interrupt. I did not see 755 but did see photos of him from yesterday.