Gosh, it has been such a long day, I can scarcely remember how it began. Seeing friends, lost of them.
Out in Lamar Valley, we looked for the Lamar Canyons and just narrowly missed seeing 965 and a black way up high, above the den area, at sky line. There was a report that three blacks had been to the north, earlier and it was uncertain whether they were Mollies or Lamars. As far as we know, the Mollies have not been seen for a couple of days.

At the Confluence of the Lamar River and Soda Butte Creek, were a moose cow and yearling calf. The calf was quite small, compared to others. We had them just across the river, resting and eating willows. They drew quite a crowd.

Out in the valley the bison were running in all directions and some thought that there were wolves out there but I didn’t see them. Three coyotes were playing in the river corridor. And, we found a grizzly walking east. Most of the bison that were running had a lot of calves and so they were probably trying to get away from the bear.
There was another bear on Norris and another one above Jasper Bench.
Lots of action around the Junction Butte den area, with puppies venturing further and further out.
We did not see any black bears at Calcite but heard that they were out later in the day and the cubs were pretty cute! Will see them one of these days.
Dunraven opened today and so we took a drive to Hayden Valley where we tried to glimpse the sow with three coy around Elk Antler creek but did not get to see them. Not much else going on in Hayden and so we headed towards Swan Lake Flat to see a new sow and her cubs.
Nothing going on around Roaring mountain so bear 815 must have moved on for now.
There was quite a jam, well attended and organized by rangers, at Swan Lake Flat, where Quad Mom and her two COY were grazing and playing. This is the same bear that I spied last week. They had finally come down near the road.

These two cubs are so playful and they stand up quite often, making this just about as much fun as anything so far this year.

Unfortunately, Quad mom has sustained a recent injury to her forehead where there is a round wound. Her face appears to have a lot of dried blood covering the right side. Hopefully, this wound will heal without infection. Makes me wonder if she had to fend off a boar to save her cubs.

We spent a good two or three hours at the roadside, hoping the bears would cross but they had not done so by 6, when we left. Numerous photographers were still on scene to document the event if she obliged.
Morlene and I left and went to have dinner at the Mine. Good food and friendly service. I can not resist a rare, fat ribeye and it was delicious. Plenty of leftovers!
Been some long, eventful days in Yellowstone. The park is very busy so be careful. We had a pedestrian struck and killed near Madison. Pay attention!
So happy to see her after a 2 year absence. Just got a quick glimpse…but hope for more later
Enjoy reading every day your events and sightings . Can’t wait to get to JH July !! Come down to a concert at the GTMF! Gail
Love all the new babies! What beauty everywhere in YNP!