Yesterday evening I was about to return to camp but decided to take one last look at the bison action in Little America. We had a dead bull in Slough Creek that had passed on from old age several days before and that was feeding bears, wolves and badgers, but a wolf watcher ranger had the area closed to those who wanted to take photos of the animals coming and going because they were concerned that the five, fat little puppies on the hill were only getting fed from their mother, since their father is afraid of people and won’t get close to them. The wolf would have had to go through the fisherman on the creek before getting to the carcass and so there was no way he was going to go through them, the cars passing by and anything else, until night time.

This bison, I am sad to say, is dying close to the road and her body will be removed to a hidden gut pile. More than that I am sad about her passing and her lonely last hours. I was reflecting on life, wondering how old she was and thinking about how a bison’s death is not much different than our own when about 10 bison came storming down the hill and across the road. I have been looking for some bull fights to film and so went to see the action and discovered 8 bulls and two cows. Possibilities for fights. But there was no time, or distance, to set up for filming and so I grabbed a smaller lens and took a few quick shots while sitting in my car. I could see that one of the the two cows had a horn that curved in towards her eye and wondered if it was the same one that I saw earlier, with a small calf. What I could not see as she ran by was that her horn had entered her eye socket. What a gruesome sight but she seemed to be handling herself just fine. Like humans, I would imagine that bison adapt to their circumstances.

I did watch this group of bison as they ran all over Little America, and did some filming but no one ever fought. It seems that there is always a smaller, younger bull following behind but the most he gets is a large head shoved in his direction and that sets him to running the other way. Watching the bulls kept me out late and I had to take a couple of naps before reaching camp. It was a long day! Then, this morning, the wolves were high on the hill and being seen from Little America. I got to see all five puppies and they are exceptionally healthy – one black is very large, along with both alphas. But, through a scope because they were very far away. I set my scope up and several people helped themselves and got to see the wolves. As the wolves moved lower on the hill, everyone climbed another hill to get a better look. We were all standing there, watching and talking when suddenly the groaning became quite loud. I looked around and we were surrounded by bison on three sides. It took me two seconds to pick up my scope and hurry down the hill. Some lingered and this bull was on his way up the hill.

I often get engrossed in watching something or taking photos of something else and find myself surrounded by bison that have come way too close. I think that the cows think that we will protect them from those drooling bulls. Not me, I get out of their way. So, more bison stories – the rut is prime for that. We have had two days of rain and cooler weather, which should be bring out some other animals but I think that the feast at the gut pile is too good and so most bears are staying hidden. I did see Mixed Mom yesterday, she was close to the road and the cubs were playing on logs until I arrived. And then they moved off. Rosie, or Mom with Three, has not been seen for about a week. Last anyone knows she was separated from one of her cubs and so we don’t know if they got back together or are alright. Rangers are beginning to worry. Meanwhile, Betsy, with two cinnamon cubs is being seen in the Slough Creek area most every day. I am still looking for the coyote/badger hunting team of Slough Creek. Though, I did see the two badger kits out hunting a couple of days ago. Thought that I had a photo of them ready to edit but don’t. Maybe next time.
Who’s Mixed Mom?
A black bear sow with two cubs.
That would scare the crap out of me! Big, grumpy animals do that to me.
I love to read your posts. Thank you. I feel so sorry for that bison with the horn going through her eye !