Yesterday morning I set out in hopes of finding Scarface – preferably in a meadow of wildflowers.
Speaking of wildflowers, Laurie said this morning that she has never seen it like this, not in 12 years. The lupine is going wild amongst the sage and it is incredible. I keep trying to get an animal to photograph in the right location with the right light and they are not cooperating.
As I drove south, along Antelope Creek, I spotted a disappearing grizzly butt and with hopes that it might be Scarface, despite that the bear was many miles from yesterday’s location, I pulled into the next pullout and waited.
Luck was on my side because about 10 minutes later the old boy appeared on top of the hill and made his way down and across the road to the creek.

All to myself, you could not have wiped the smile from my face! Some cars went by but didn’t see anything and, besides, I was in my car for the most part.
Scarface began munching his way along the creek and it wasn’t too long before folks slammed on brakes and started running. When they began going down hill towards the grizzly I called to report the jam but they said they would let someone know when they came on duty. Three hours later, when the jam finally broke up, no one ever came but, after Scarface got further away from the road, it wasn’t too big of a problem because traffic was light and not too many got caught behind the cars parked in the road.
Word soon spread that Scarface was being seen and others arrived but he stayed along the creek and eventually took a left instead of right, sending him into the deep valley.
At one point during his morning, Scarface went to cross a large log but paused for a moment to scratch his belly with its bark.
I had super fun telling people about the old bear and giggled several times under my breath when someone would come running up and say, “Oh, he is so beautiful,” or “Isn’t he cute?”
A bison had been killed by a car in Lamar and at one point the truck went by with the carcass and a few seconds later I saw Scarfaces’ nose go into the air and watched as he hastened his pace. Not sure if it was just coincidence or not but he will definitely be getting a good meal on that bison.

Scarface is a beauty of character as he meanders along his chosen path, regardless of those about him. He could be considered cute in a ugly sort of way – but definitely cute of personality.
To have Scarface in view for several hours on a slow morning and get to watch him was a treat. To have had him to myself for 10 minutes was a gift that I will not soon forget.
Many of us watched as Scarface walked across the hill in a distance and it was amazing to see how much ground he covered, just doing the Scarface saunter. I love to imitate his walk.
While photographing Scarface I could not get over the beauty of the moon and so took a shot.

Driving up the road, after leaving Scarface, I ran into a cinnamon black bear walking down the road and had him all to myself as well. Had to stop until the bear left the road so took a couple of shots from the car. Pretty boy!

And then I went on to Canyon, where there was another bison carcass, reported to be over 200 yards away with plenty of parking. And, there had been a wolf on the carcass earlier.

I gassed up, went to the post office, bought something to eat and prepared for a long day at the carcass. The bison looked to be a big and healthy guy and one could only assume that he got into a fight with another guy. He appeared to have a gash in his hind haunch so maybe he died from a wound.
The bison rut is gearing up and I predict that it will be one to remember.
One of the things I remember from last year was that just as the rut began, the red dogs turned brown. Sort of seemed like an over night kind of thing and the timing was odd – or is it by design.

There are also a few new dogs around – may they stay out of harms way.
As for other news, 911 was in Lamar this morning but there was no word on the others. Someone was hoping that the black female had gotten smart and ditched Mr. Disaster for 755. That is all I know about wolf news.
Today was moving day and I am now camping outside of the park with electricity. My site overlooks a fast moving creek and it is very private and quiet. A robin is nesting in a nearby tree.
So, I set up the trailer and made everything nice a cozy. The awning is up, the outdoor rug is out and the lounger is out front. My devices are all charging (YAY) and I am writing this while listening to some music through the Braven. Pretty darned luxurious at this point, I would say.
Heading back into the park and will stop to post so hopefully you will get this tonight.
For the last 4 years I hoped I would see him. Feel very lucky to share a about 4 hours with him. He really is a different looking grizzly bear. His torso and leg are so long. He has the body of a polar bear, but the coloring of a griz. I only wish the night I waited for him on that fresh deer carcass he would have come. It would have been only he and I. I would have cherished that experience. Very nice pictures of this old gentle bear Deby.
Thanks for sharing your gift with us. To see Scarface and have that moment all to myself someday is on my bucket list!
Scarface does look cute in the first picture.
I like the way he has learned to cross the road … wish he could teach the other bears …
Great story and beautiful photos, especially the bison calf portrait!
How wonderful Deby!!! We will be out there soon I sure hope I get to to see even if it’s a glimpse of Scarface, what a wonderful old soul he is!! Thanks again for all the good stories and photos!
I am so glad you got to see him Deby! In those photos his collar looks rather loose. Glad to see that and to know he ate well today. Great photos!
Thank you, Deby, for such a nice article about Scarface. I love the photos of the old boy. Hopefully he will have a good summer and fall and make it through another winter. I would love to see him. You’re so darned lucky. May you find the perfect wildflower setting for your photo.
Great photos that really show why he is called “Scarface”. Enjoy the peace and quiet of your new location. Boy those four weeks flew by.
One word………Amazing! Thank you 🙂
Deby, Thank you for another wonderful story of the park. The photos as always are amazing. Scarface looks like such a character. I can’t imagine how many people he has seen or come across in his life.