I have not been one of the lucky ones to get recent photos of the Lamar Canyons lately. They are doing their thing earlier and earlier every morning, generally right before I arrive. The wolves are getting going at around 5:30 when I am on my way out to the valley, which I don’t leave every night until 9 p.m. – so makes for some long days.
Anyway, they were out yesterday morning, 4 blacks and one grey, looking to hunt. Brief glimpses and that was all. Nothing last night when I decided to leave a little early, at 8 p.m.
Rick did see 755 in Hayden yesterday – apparently, if you want to see him the Otter Creek Picnic area is the place to hang out.
And, here is the update from the previous, wonderful evening of watching. Too far for photos but what a wonderful evening! Rick told me the next day that to see me that happy despite not being able to take photos was wonderful. He said that is what it is all about and he is right. Funny how priorities have changed during my time in the park.
Serenaded by the Lost Lonely Boys!
Thank you Jeremy for the photo of the boys – I know it was nearly dark and they were a long ways a way, but I never want to forget the experience we had last night.
Last evening I returned to the den area, without much hope of seeing the Lamars, not knowing that Laurie and them had seen 965, Mottled and a yearling cross during the late morning. Apparently, when they went in around 1 only the yearling had crossed.
After a bit we began to hear some howling from the trees and then I spotted 965 – his big, bulky, beautiful frame on a hill with his head lifted to the sky. I watched for others to respond on the other side of the road but nothing and before long 965 disappeared into some trees with Mottled and the howling continued. Mottled, bless his heart, sounds like a broken mass of emotions when he howls. I often think that there is an injured or sad wolf in his hiding place in the forest.
After a bit Twin crossed the road, closer to others than to myself, of course. But, I did not have a camera out so all was okay. He made his way to the boys and I kind of thought that the howling would cease but it continued. The howls moved right and suddenly they were loud and I once again found 965 on top of another, open hill. Before long we had all three there, in perfect scope view, lighted by the late afternoon sun. The three boys began howling from their new vantage point and what a gorgeous sight they made. The three hunks standing there together, heads lifted to the clouds, and singing to one of the largest crowds I have ever seen.
They moved down the hill a bit and I could not see them so off to the big lot I went to join the crowd. There was Rick, smiling from ear to ear, encouraging people to look at the wolves because it was a good moment. And, it was. The sounds drifting to us as from the heavens – the howl of a wolf is something everyone should experience because they will never forget that true and daunting song.
There was no response from the girls. None. And, I still do not know if Lil Grey made it back to the pack. It was as if the girls had kicked the guys out for the day and the hunks did not know what to do without their wonderful family. I think they are hooked. That 926 must be one special little lady to attract these three special guys. Her strength and will to survive is admirable and I love seeing her family grow larger and larger. Just think, only 4 weeks ago she was a single pregnant mother without a meal and now she is surrounded.
And, the pups are now a month old. Can you just imagine how cute they must be?
It was a great day in the park, with the black bears, the kestrel and some bison. I had a blast – though it was very busy out there.
I don’t know about you but sometimes my imagination is better than a photo. Thank you for allowing me to see those wolves in my head as well as the look on your face Rick referred to. I know that look, and the giggles that go with it, and that is way better than any photo. That look is Deby forgetting everything else and totally enjoying a very special moment. I wish everyone who knows you could see that look and they would know how much you love those wolves with all your heart.