This morning everyone was crowded in at Elk Creek looking for Junction, 911’s group and one Prospect, so I would say that things are far from settling down.
The GPS collared black pup, whose collar is still malfunctioning, ran through but that was the only sighting.
I went up to Rick’s Hill to have a look around but could find nothing. We all looked from different vantage points but none of those wolves were found. I am hoping and praying that the Junction Butte’s got a carcass but it seems as though they might be quite hungry after everything that they have been through lately.
So, I went for my hike, following fresh wolf tracks, one set of which looked to be 911’s because he has a toe drag before and after the step. 755 has a toe drag after only. But, at some point the tracks left the trail and I continued on, enjoying yet another fairly mild day of walking in the snow.
After my hike I decided to drive out as far as Round Prairie, in hopes of seeing moose. But, along the way I was sidetracked by two wolves on the old bison carcass in Soda Butte Valley.
BTW, there is another old bison that is in the process of dying but looks to have a while yet, although he is not moving much. Anyway, he had moved close to the road and so I stopped to look at him and a damned magpie was pecking inside of his eye! The bull did nothing but he was aware enough to turn and look at me. I hate watching these old guys die because it takes so long and they seem to suffer needlessly.

Little Grey and the black female? that I call Stripe because she has a line under her chest, were at the carcass, scrounging. They appeared to be eating but I can’t imagine what that would be. Just noticed that the hide is gone – wonder where that went?

All of the pups were scattered around the old rendezvous area but the adults were not home.

Stripe eventually left and before long, just as Rick was pulling up – about 30 minutes after my radio call to him – Patch came wandering down. I have no clue if my names will stick but I am merely trying to tell all of those blacks apart. I believe that “Little Grey,” will stay because Doug really likes that name.

Patch seems to be considering the tastiness of that raven, as there is no food on the carcass.
I did call Rick to let him know of my sighting and then stayed, freezing my butt off, waiting for him to arrive so that I could show him where all of the pups were stationed. Some were easy to spot and others were hidden. Two pups had bones that they were guarding with their lives and I even saw them lunging and snarling at their siblings.
It does appear that the Lamar Canyons are hungry. Hopefully, mom and dad are not far away and are getting them a good meal.

Stripe appeared to be the hungriest because she kept returning to the carcass, hoping for something to nibble on. This time 967 was following behind but it looked like he was being shy of the people along the road.
I decided to leave, much against my better judgement because there was a good chance of something happening later on, and went to see the moose.
Finally! Five moose, four bulls and one cow, in Round Prairie. About time. Not a great photo op but maybe soon. Maybe tomorrow.

And, maybe tomorrow the Lamar Canyons will be having a feast.
looks like you had a beautiful day–