Spent another wonderful day in Hayden Valley, watching a dead bison but this time some grizzlies and wolves decided to join me.
Despite a good, long nights sleep I woke up late again this morning and so did not get to Hayden until late, after grizzlies had already come and gone from the carcass but I did not have to wait long.
Before long we had a nice large sow working her way towards the carcass, on the opposite side of the road. She had a bit of a problem finding a place to cross because people were chasing her up and down the road but the bear managers got in there and did their magic and she made her way.
The sow, Hayden sow I believe, was quite entertaining to watching as she flipped and flopped the carcass as if it were a pancake. While she was eating I noticed two bears on the other side of the road but they must have gone and bedded down while mama fed. These two are the 4 year old cubs of the sow and she does not share anything with them any more.
After a fine feast the sow exited to the left and it took awhile but the twins finally made their way over as well. Same problems with traffic – this time guides stopping in the no stopping area – but the bear managers came to the rescue again.
Once on the carcass the twins were not so entertaining because they were difficult to see but I did get some footage of them fighting and so that was cool. They fed for quite a while and also exited to the left. It was quite sweet because big brother (and he is big) waited for little sister to finish eating. For some reason the two are sticking close to one another right now.
Well the bottom fell out of the sky and I left to go up to Canyon and when I returned 755 and his lady were on the carcass. The bear guys told me that they came running right over the hill and that it was pretty cool.
About 50 people were in the carcass closure area and so instead of walking all of the way around I walked up the hill, right past those signs. My first time stepping over a carcass line but I would have missed the wolves otherwise. BTW, I told on myself to the rangers and they said that if 50 others were up there then I was fine. Kind of what I thought but the guys down in Hayden are pretty cool anyway.
The wolves ate for a little while longer and then left. They wanted to cross back over the road but traffic was awful so they went and bedded but some folks went out to see them so they went further out, near the Canyon East rendezvous area, to rest. But, they had play time along the way, just like a couple of puppies! Young love!
Later the twins came back and feasted calmly until mom returned and they made a hasty retreat. The female twin went and sat on the roadside and waited for her brother.
I stopped and talked to Kathy for just a moment this morning and she said that they think that the Lamar Canyons have moved once again. I predicted that but am sad all the same. I worry that they will go too far and not be safe. They just can’t stand to be watched any longer and need to be left alone. She also said Mr. and Mrs. Disaster were in Lamar and that they were seeing the JB alphas. That is all I know for now.
Am so hoping that the Lamars have not drifted over to the hunting zone…. just when things were looking so promising in the Valley. Why do you call the JB BF + 911 Mr & Mrs Disaster – and on the other hand why is it that somehow I knew who you meant, lol?
Thanks Linda. It is nice to be seeing the wolves these days – feels like it has been a long time.
It makes me happy to hear that the wolves are active and that people (you, especially) are seeing them.