Well Martha I saw the darnedest thing today at work. Two of the most beautiful creatures passed right by us – did not even glance our way or nothing, just just went on by. I don’t believe they would harm a soul.
What did you see George?
Two wolves Martha! Two damned wolves and they were just a going about their business. They didn’t want to eat us or anything.
Of course this story is made up and I am profiling just a bit because construction workers tend to be amongst those who hunt and hate the wolves. Not all of course. But, what I would like to imagine is people believing all of the lies about the wolves because they know nothing different and then suddenly have this beautiful experience early one morning and it makes them question what they believed.
A woman can hope for a society that wants to know the truth. Just yesterday I learned of a former wolf hater who has begun to appreciate the presence of wolves and hasn’t shot one in a while – possibly not since he shot my girl. Maybe that changed him too.
Rifle season starts today and the bloodshed begins. I pray that it ends quickly.
As for 870 trotting across the landscape here – what a relief to see her! The pack were seen leaving the park the day before and I was worried about them. When we saw only the two with collars I was nearly crying that the rest of the pack had been killed.

But, 890 trotted through first and he was on a mission to go get his children and nothing was going to get in his way. If one can get a glimpse of a wolf’s paternal instinct and affection for their offspring, I got that yesterday. Nothing overt – just a mission and a purpose that would be carried out with determination.
It was not long after the alphas trotted through that we heard howling up on Secret Passage. Howling and a couple of folks saw one gray. I thought there were 5 howls and MacNeil thought there were 2 or 3.
Meanwhile, there was howling behind us and some folks found one, then four and then eventually the alphas coming to get their children.
I had been at Slough when the alphas went through and had turned to leave when Josh called to say a black wolf was coming through. I got down below just in time to see 890 trotting across the open, not far from me. But, I missed him and couldn’t get a shot when he dipped down into the creek. And then 870 came through, further away. But, I saw them. And I saw a tangled mess of wolves when the alphas met up with the pups, but never did see the yearlings. We were pretty sure that all were accounted for. By that time I was emotionally spent and realized that wolf hunting season is getting harder, not easier.

While standing and waiting to see if the yearlings would come through I looked up to see this calf giving me the nasty eye. It was just so darned cute that I had to take a pic of him.
I wandered some, after the wolves, thinking about going south and did do that a little ways but was so tired, even after a nap, that I could not keep going. And so I went home early in hopes of rest and a fresh start this morning….
One the way home I spotted a much subdued Touchdown on the lawn in Mammoth and took a couple of snaps at him. He stared me down but did not move. Touchdown looks as though he came through the rut none the worse for wear as he is looking fit and still hanging with some girls.

And so, southward bound today.
By the way, I did go to the bison carcass this morning where there was about 50 people waiting to see the action at sunrise. By which time the bear wandered off but it had been light enough to watch him for awhile. They were going through that carcass quickly and with no wolves in the area I decided to go on and let it be.
I am so glad to see that Touchdown ended the rut season in such great condition! Thank you Deby!