Today was a bit slow in the Tetons. Not a cloud in the sky and so landscape photography was a bust. The coyote pups weren’t moving around much and, quite frankly, weren’t looking all that well. I am worried about those pups – that mom isn’t feeding them well because of all of the people standing about.
I had a great nap in a secret place beneath a big shade tree. An elk cow stood close by and I had the place to myself for several hours. Nap, some work and some wandering. What a treat!
And, then I went for a drive and ended up on Antelope Flats, where that also seemed to be a bust until I spotted a herd of bison heading towards the road and wildflowers, with little red dogs in tow. I parked way ahead of them so they would have plenty of room and stood and watched from way back while waiting for the sun to shine on them and for the bison to step amongst the wildflowers. They were too far back for any photos and so I waited.
There was one little red dog that was in a world of its own, running way ahead of mom and just a grunting away. I thought, to myself, “that has to be the most independent red dog I have ever seen.” Mom seemed to be paying her child no mind. Not until the calf spotted me from way back there.

Without hesitation the calf headed in my direction. At first I was just excited that I would possibly capture some images of it around the wildflowers. Never once dreaming that the calf would come very close at all.

Mom picked up on the calf’s intent before I did and immediately began following her youngster. Again, I never dreamed that either animal would come close. But, I did not know Trouble before today.

Mom did her best to catch up with Trouble and head it in the other direction but determination was the calf’s middle name and nothing was going to stop it from visiting the nice lady with the camera.

By this time I have picked up my camera and moved back two or three times and am now against my car, knowing full well that the bison will not come that close. But, again, I didn’t know Trouble. Trouble never lost determination to meet me and was headed my way without hesitation. Mom swooped in and pushed trouble back and tried to stand between us but Trouble persisted and mom could not stop her child.
About this time I noticed that Mom was looking at me and her tail was up. I quickly picked up the camera and went around to the driver’s door, hoping to hop inside but Trouble was not about to let me go and tried to follow. Mom was getting more and more agitated and she tried to follow me as well. Which left me running to either side of the car but no matter which side I was on, I could see the white of mom’s eyes.
Some women, who had been around my car, filming the bison but had retreated to their own car further down the road, were filming the entire event. They were utterly fascinated and frightened, knowing that I was in a bad predicament but not what to do.
“Bring your car,” I shouted to the women. They quickly climbed in and drove down to me at about the time I was able to dismantle the camera and jump inside.

Believe it or not, Trouble had tunnel vision when it came to me and was not about to give up. And mom was doing her best to hold her child back but it was not taking no for an answer. I thought that once inside of the car the two would move on but, no. And so I drove off, on down the road quite a ways and turned around to watch the bison. But, guess who was still following me? Yep, it was Trouble. The pair came down towards my car and about that time a cyclist came along.
I shouted at the cyclist to stop but he was listening to music through head phones and had a hard time hearing. Finally I shouted loud enough – he would have been attacked if he had gone on by and was quickly able to see that this was not a good situation.
Finally, mother and child got by me but mom was constantly having to redirect Trouble and her tail was still up. The cyclist got ready to go and Trouble said but I want to see her and they nearly came across to my car. So, I pulled out with the cyclist beside me and he thanked me before going on down the road. And, mom finally got Trouble across the road and ran it out into the sagebrush, with others following behind.
Such a sweet face and oh so much trouble. I must admit to being truly frightened that mom was going to attack me because her youngster had decided that I was the most interesting thing around. Not sure what was going through Trouble’s mind but I guess that Trouble loves Trouble.
Have a good night everyone.
I guess this answers my question about their level of curiosity. I was worried about a little one I saw in Lamar a couple of weeks ago. Mom didn’t seem to be anywhere in sight and the calf was determined to keep up with a herd of antelope. I hope the little one made it back home to mom.
This calf was more curious than most. Some might come close but this one would have run right up to me if mom had allowed it do so. I don’t want an angry mom coming after me.
definitely a persistent little guy. Love the name trouble 🙂
Wow, great story. That could only happen to you. Wonder what was on Troubles mind. Glad you made it safely out. Looking forward to your next adventure.
Would love to know what that calf was thinking.
Wow! Another great story. I hope trouble doesn’t find you today.
Didn’t find that Trouble Linda. Sorry I missed your call.
Neat! Had a sort of similar situation at Lamar. These 7 bulls were coming from north of the road to the valley. Nothing was stopping them. Im set with my rearend facing the valley, hatch open. They come very quickly, acting all squirrelly. Before I knew it I had one on each side less than 15feet from me. Threw my gear in the back and jumped in. It was like they were testing me. Snorting and carrying on. Lips curled, tails flashing. A few moments of tenseness, then they moved into the valley floor to challenge Scarface for his meal. Dont know what was up with that group. Got some very close shots. 🙂
You are an animal magnet. 😉