I have been going through some film clips from spring of this year. One of the highlights was seeing “Rosie” and her 3 cubs. We watched her and the cubs for days. When they first appeared the very small cubs basically followed Mom around, but as they grew a little, and got used to their surroundings, they became more adventurous. Before we knew it they were wrestling each other and climbing trees. They were really, really cute. But then the rangers got tired of watching them all day and keeping tourists away and traffic moving. They began harassing them to keep them away from the road. They were hanging around the road a lot between Calcite Springs and Rainy Lake. They were harassed so much Rosie finally took her family across the Yellowstone River Bridge and were last seen around the Yellowstone Picnic Area. I have heard the runt of the 3 cubs was last seen on the other side of the river from Mom and its 2 siblings. I don’t know if they ever got together again or not. That is obviously sad but it is also sad Rosie was chased out of her territory into land she wasn’t familiar with. Where she didn’t know where to find food or what other bears were already in that territory.
I hope you enjoy Rosie and her family.
The 25% off all of our photos sale will be over Sunday night. Go to www.vernelehmberg.com and enter the code “5000” at checkout to get your discount.

Thank you Kitty and Deby. I just got some really good news from a friend. Two of her friends saw Rosie and her THREE!! cubs near the Yellowstone Picnic Area today and spent over two hours photographing them. She said they all looked healthy but the cubs were small for this time of year. Now I have to go find the little guys!
Hi Judy, hope you’ve had a great summer and fall. I was just wondering if you’d seen the cormorants hanging around the pond in Emigrant. They’ve been there for about a month now. They’re usually on the middle pole above the pond. Wishing you lots of sightings and great shooting. Becca Wood
Thank you for the info Becca. We have been by there a couple of times and they always seem to be up high on that middle pole. A little too high for me.
So cute….what a treat to get to just watch how they go about their day.
You are so right!
Those are just too cute, Judy. It is really sad that some people can’t abide by the rules, but there are always those who think that the rules don’t apply to them. Unfortunately,it does cause problems for those who try to do it right and especially hard on the wildlife.
Oh, you got some cute stuff. A lot of us are very sad about what happened to the bears this year – they were behaving and doing what bears do but the rangers had to haze them away because there were too few of them and too many people who would not mind the rules. Just like the guy who has his generator going 2 hours after it is supposed to be turned off! I don’t think that the runt made it back to the family, from some info coming out in the past week or so.