I missed the morning shift of watching for wolves in Lamar Valley and so settled in for an unproductive day at the computer, which was nicely interrupted by a lunch invitation from Judy. She would even pick me up! Over lunch at the Yellowstone Grill Judy gave me the most beautiful necklace – it just took my breath away. A Western Bluebird painted onto an oval of ivory, hanging on a beautiful blue cord. The bluebird of happiness to wear! And looking at the necklace, seeing the way it accents my blue eyes and thinking of what a sweet gift Judy gave me, does make me happy.
And, having a sit down lunch with a friend was a treat. I always eat on the go and alone.
Later in the afternoon I just could not sit still and concentrate any longer and so into the park I went, not expecting a lot except for quenching my thirst to be in Yellowstone. Well, boy was I surprised!
First off, there was a moose jam near Hell Roaring! Better yet, it was a cow and calf. My first calf of the year – already brown but a youngster all the same. So, I decided to spend a little time with the moose. They truly look very healthy with shiny eyes and nice coats, which was good to see.

Further on down the road, in Little America, past the bison and pronghorn jams, were people acting like they had seen a bear or a wolf. I asked and was told that a grizzly was in the neighborhood. All I had to do was look where the people were running and looking to know that Scarface was somewhere around.
I hesitated to call in the bear jam, for fear the rangers would come and haze the bear. That would not set well with me, particularly if the bear was Scarface. But, I weighed the fact that people were running towards the bear, waving cell phones and not carrying bear spray and decided that hazing would be better than killing the bear because some stupid tourist, with small kids, ran towards a grizzly bear. I mean, what could they possibly be thinking to be carrying on so, particularly after a man was just killed by a bear?

Scarface came through Little America, continually forced to change routes due to people going out to see him and being in his way. But, he finally began turning towards the road.

The ranger came along and told everyone to get back to their vehicles, which was perfectly reasonable given that a grizzly was getting ready to cross. But, some refused to listen. And, my car was a half mile away and so I stood near the patrol vehicle which was parked to block both lanes so the bear could cross. Would you believe that some folks went around the patrol car so they could follow the bear? While others were being told to get back and overtime the person waved their arms up, the guys would duck beneath to keep taking photos. And, then, many others were well behaved, as was Scarface when he went right behind my friend’s truck and on across the road.

He crossed, went up the hill and continued on toward Specimen Ridge, away from people.

Scarface was well-behaved today but some who know him were disheartened by his appearance. I would guess that the bear has lost about 150 pounds since coming out of the den, at a time when he should be adding weight. His ribs, backbone and hip bones all show. But, in a way, I saw his youthfulness from a time long ago. His eyes looked bright and his face younger with less weight. It was amazing to see his details, of his feet and claws. The shape of his face. His coat is not horrible and dry – it even has a little shine to it. Perhaps I am being optimistic and not realistic, but I think the boy still has a little fight and life left in him. He rallied and put on weight in late 2014 and it could happen again. The bear managers told me that the white bark pine trees were good this year, so perhaps Scarface is on his way to a good meal and some fat.
Go Scarface! I hope to see you again.
Deby, I think although he has lost considerable weight, the coat, shiny and his demeanor seems upbeat from the photos. I want so badly a picture, maybe one last time to always remember that special boy! Let’s pray we are lucky for more seasons of the great Scarface!
Glad you got to see and photograph him again. I too think he looks healthier than the “bear spray incident” photos. His coat looks much better. He seems to be a bit more patient with humans…not looking for trouble, but that could just be this moment. Nice series of photos.
So good to see him…I am hoping like he he gets weight on and makes it another year….I just wish the Rangers would tickets these folks who run after the wildlife……what do they not get…..I am really beginning to dislike all visitors at the park….
Deby..We were really hoping to see him while we were there..every day we were in the park we looked as we drove….it was not meant to be and that’s ok.
Thank you so much for this report and your pictures of him..it makes me happy you saw him in Little America..one of my favorite places in the park.
So very sorry about the bad behavior of some people…I am thankful for you that you were there and the rangers…To me he looks better from the pics I saw of him after he was sprayed….I do see his coat a little more shiny…glad to read about the white bark pine trees….going towards Specimen ridge is a nice place for him to roam….I love this beautiful special bear!
Thanks Deby, great story. Good to see the old fella.
That guy sure does get around. He has certainly lived a colorful life and I hope to see him for a couple of more years at least. Great shots.
He looks like he has lost weight from even a month ago!
He is a good old boy. Lovely to see him, glad you called in the Rangers, he doesn’t need any trouble. Lovely photos Deby!