Today, snowy, cold and windy and a landscape of partial white, began as most do for me in Yellowstone, with the wolves.
The three Mollies, and a fourth that possibly joined them, found the bison carcass that Starlight had to herself for a day, and ran her off. Reports are that the Mollies do not seem intent in harming what Rick is calling the unknown wolf. I, am not liking “Unknown,” for a name as it spells tragedy for me and so have decided to call her “Mystery,” instead of Starlight. I had been worried about the Mollies harming Mystery but now wonder if the makings of a new pack are in the works.
Rick had the four Lamars at Hitching Post and they all went east, out Cache Creek. I was told that at 6:30 last night, when the Lamars returned to the den area, there was quite a howl session. Hopefully, this means that the pups are okay but it does concern me that all four are going out together for long periods of time. They can sneak back and forth easily so my fingers are still crossed.
The Junctions were a bit scarce at the den today and sightings were brief.
The Wapiti pack had a carcass on Cascade Creek, close to the road, that was mostly consumed. The park service removed the remains to the dump site. I heard from a ranger that 755 was seen at the carcass and that people have seen Wapiti pups! This could be good.
We saw four moose today! It is looking like a good moose year and I am hoping to see a tiny baby. Three were bull moose, two near Hell Roaring and one at Norris, and a cow at Sheepeaters. They all looked very good.
There was a grizzle sow and two coy in Little America.
Rosie and two cubs of the year at Calcite. A sow with a yearling, being chased up a tree by a boar, west of the Tower ranger station. A grizzly sow and coy east of Soda Butte. Quite a good bear day. No signs of Quad mom for two days and have heard nothing on 815.
We went down south, to Lake, hoping for bears but saw none. We did see a rather large herd of elk near Indian Pond.
Later in the day, the black bear boar was at Floating Island and the sow and yearling were near Petrified. A man visited Rosie up the hill and she took her cubs up a tree and hid out for awhile.
Another storm came in, whipping up the cold winds, and it was time to go home. But, we were treated to two beautiful, new, elk calves near Mammoth.
Until tomorrow.