965, Wapiti Yearling, Grizzly, Deceased Bison Cow and Calf, and Cinnamon Teals

Usually, by now, I have found my own grizzly bear, instead of relying on others to find them for me, but this year has been a little slow.  Today, finally, I was driving past the Confluence when I spotted a grizzly out in the willows.  Pretty bear and though not at all close, closer than most of the sightings have been so he drew a crowd.

First thing this morning I got to see 965 for the first time in months.  He was just east of the Lamar den area and out looking for food by himself.  I heard a very faint howl from the den, way in the forest but no other sightings. There were a lot of elk on the den hill and they looked anxious to move off.

Went back to look for the badger but did not see her today.

While watching the bear I noticed this nice bison bull relaxing in the green grass and really liked the colors of the willows behind.

Bison bull
Bison bull

The bison cow that I mentioned yesterday, died shortly after I last saw her, so she did not suffer for long.  This is just such a sad death to me and there were some tears.  The cow was quite healthy and it appears as though the calf was too, but its other leg must have been stuck and the cow just couldn’t push it out.  Two deaths and so close to many human eyes.  A lot of people watched the process but it was too much for me.

Today there were 20 cars at the carcass by 5:20 a.m., according to one person, with many more arriving.  It was crowded by the time I arrived in Lamar, with big lenses lined up.  But, the only action by the time I left around 3 was some coyotes and a funeral or two.  The scene is not a pretty one.  But, I will show you one image – the coyote had jumped on top of the carcass to chase the birds away.


Coyotes on Bison cow and calf carcass
Coyotes on Bison cow and calf carcass

Then I heard from Josh that 755 of the Wapiti Pack had a carcass down in Hayden, at Otter Creek, and so away I went!  Did not get to see 755, except for Josh’s photo, but did get to see the yearling again.  I am pretty sure this is a male and it is so white.  The face reminds me of Middle Gray.  Light was bad and it was pretty distant but so nice to see the wolf.


Wapiti Yearling
Wapiti Yearling

I drove as far as Alum Creek but didn’t see much else going on in Hayden.  The wolves were enough for me.  Did see an osprey hunting in the Otter Creek area, along with a bald eagle that was on the carcass.  Some friends saw some otters in the same area!  Now, that excites me.

No word on the Beryl Springs sow and cubs today.

On the way home I stopped at Swan Lake Flats to photograph the Cinnamon Teals.


A long, but good day in the park.  Got to meet a lot of folks today and that was nice.

Until tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “965, Wapiti Yearling, Grizzly, Deceased Bison Cow and Calf, and Cinnamon Teals

  1. Interesting comment about the Wapiti yearling looking like Middle Grey. 755M would have been the father of both, correct? I’m losing track!

  2. As alway, great pictures (tho sad!) and stories to go w/ them. So off the subject, but keep wanting to hit the “like” button as I see each picture and read the paragraphs, lol!!

  3. What a very sad story…this is life in the wild but still makes me very sad….but hopefully their passing will feed the many in the valley ….as always thanks for the story and photo..I really do not think I could have stayed there and watched as well…tears just looking at the photo

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