One Ear Grizzly Bear

One Ear
One Ear

The morning began rather cold and crisp but with a great surprise!  A new carcass on the Blacktail.

When I arrived there was only coyotes at the carcass and one black wolf out a distance.  The bear had split with the dawn.

964 on Blacktail
964 on Blacktail

I stayed to see what might happen and was very pleased when the sun hit the coyote and the carcass.  There were two coyotes, actually.  The one that was on the carcass first was an adult with a poodle tail.  More mange, which is just sad.  The second coyote would actually be an adult now, or one year old, and it really stressed about getting in the water to get to food, which was entertaining.

But the light was spectacular.


Young coyote on carcass
Young coyote on carcass

I then headed out for a drive and found this beautiful 7 x 7 bull elk at Phantom Lake.

7 x 7 bull elk
7 x 7 bull elk

In Soda Butte Valley the Lamars had left the carcass and were heading east, probably towards the den area but they had to wait on Dead Puppy for the crowds to disappear.  No pics, they were wolf dots.

The Junction Buttes were at Hell Roaring, all 11, possibly with a carcass.  And, Prospects were on the Blacktail.

Back to the Blacktail, armed with a good lunch, plenty of water, a pillow and a good book to listen to.  I ate, slept, listened to the book, watched the carcass and the people, and generally had a wonderful, relaxing afternoon.

Around 5:30 I decided to set up the camera and wait for a bear to come in.  He was late tonight but he did come tearing down the hill, stopping for a minute on the road.  And then made a mad dash through the snow towards the carcass.  The snow was up to his neck in some places and he had a hard time getting through there.  He got to the carcass and pulled it out some and we could see that there is a lot of food there.


One Ear
One Ear

A raven came in and One Ear slapped the water towards him to tell the pesky bird to stay away.  Cracked me up!

Slapping water at raven
Slapping water at raven

He ate some more and then suddenly turned and ran in the opposite direction, up the hill and into the shadows, bedding in snow and beneath a tree.


7 thoughts on “One Ear Grizzly Bear

  1. Love this one. I’m hoping the Lamars are headed where they can have some peace for a little while. Great shots of the bear…he is handsome even with a missing ear.

  2. Did you get a new lens or something? These pictures are getting better each day! Love the slapping of the water at the Raven! LOL I appreciate the story. He is interesting to say the least! Hope we see more of him.

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