Yellowstone River Otters

A Baby Otter Looking at the Crowd in a Pause in the Playing
A Baby Otter Looking at the Crowd in a Pause in the Playing

There are a lot of cute animals on this earth but North American river otters have to rank right up there with the cutest, not only because of the way they look but because of the way they act. They are some of the most playful and loving animals I know of. I have been lucky enough to film otter families five of the last six summers in Yellowstone.

A Baby Otter Eating a Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout
A Baby Otter Eating a Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout

These otters get used to people and don’t seem to care whether we are there or not. I have spent days and days watching these otters. One of the things I have found so remarkable is the way people react to them. When the otters show up (they spend hours sleeping in their den) every human there stops to watch and automatically gets really quiet. When the otters do something cute, which is often, a quiet, respectful giggle or laugh spreads throughout the crowd.

A Mama Otter and Her Three Babies
A Mama Otter and Her Three Babies
A Mama Otter Playing With Her Three Babies
A Mama Otter Playing With Her Three Babies

There are lots of great facts about otters. I will save them for another day because today I want you to just enjoy the otters. I do want to mention one “fact” I heard as a joke from a mammalogist that was watching otters with as much joy as the rest of us. We were watching a group of otters playing, tugging on each other’s tails, playing keep away with fish, chewing on each other, just generally having a great time. He asked if we knew why otter mamas had babies. We said no and he said “so they can have someone to play with.” The science part of me says “no” but the part that was watching the mama otter play with her babies says “that is so obviously right!!”

I Don’t Know Why But Mom Picked Up This Baby By the Skin of its Chest.  The Baby Loved it!
I Don’t Know Why But Mom Picked Up This Baby By the Skin of its Chest. The Baby Loved it!


Our photos are available at where you will find over 4,000 photos from Africa to Yellowstone.

Two Baby Otters Play Fighting
Two Baby Otters Play Fighting
You Figure it Out
You Figure it Out

3 thoughts on “Yellowstone River Otters

  1. I love all of those photos and in fact am jealous! You have so many great ones, but most of all, thank you for making me smile and ultimately laugh at that last one. Precious!

    1. Thank you Deby. I am particularly happy I was able to make you laugh. That last one is a hoot isn’t it. That was the adult female and she just seemed to be hanging there.

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