Well, it is never that there are no photo ops when in Yellowstone, because there is always something – just not what my heart desires. But, you would have a great time on any day snapping a shutter.
Ahh, two days now of not taking any photos. What is a photographer supposed to do? Wander, look, observe, sleep, write and hope. Hope that at last the Lamar canyons will cooperate with a visit, only to miss them early in the morning as they went out hunting. And, to miss them late morning when they returned. And, to sit hear the den area for hours, waiting, watching, listening for a howl, hoping for a sighting. A close one with good light would be nice. A family portrait of them all sitting on a hill above me, amongst the sage brush with Druid Peak, partially covered in wisps of fog, behind them. I can see the image in my mind and always hope that the day will come when the dream materializes.
I am getting up and going earlier and earlier and the Lamars are adjusting their schedule accordingly and so we miss. Not in the right spot at the right time. Skill and knowledge of the wolves is great but luck is the ultimate decider.
The black bear on the deer carcass at Floating Island drew a large crowd, despite the pouring rain. It was like a stop and go freeway going through there as people as people drove through, hoping to look from their cars while staying dry. And, drove back through time and time again. Parking was limited and pulling in and out dangerous. I sat through one rain storm and had a great phone conversation with a friend about a big project that I am beginning. It is rare that I have good phone reception and so conversations are few.

During the phone conversation the bear got up to feed and so I took a few shots, just to document – while still talking on the phone.
Oh, and I slept during part of that storm, sitting there by the black bear. It is amazing how much can be accomplished a a carcass scene.
I heard on the scanner that Rosie was out at Rainy Lake and so went to take a look but nothing there. Later I heard that she was near Tower and people were way too close. And, there was a sow with two at Twin Pullouts, or Lower Hell roaring. And, a cinnamon sow with a cub near Soda Butte. Apparently a grizzly sow with three COY was spotted way up north of Coyote pullout this morning and 30 minutes later the Slough sow with there COY was over that way. So, maybe two triple sets of new cubs around!
After a downpour, during which I wrote, things finally cleared for a while. I made to go home but was stopped by Bill who wanted to make sure that I knew that Mottled and 965 were still on the wrong side of the road. And, so I decided to stay and was sitting there, oblivious, when Jeremy radioed to tell me that they had wolves. Guess what? Twin, instead of crossing where he crossed the other night, which would have put him in front of me, crossed in a different place. At the moment it feels like I will never be in the right place at the right time again. But, I know that is not true and that my turn will come again, hopefully soon.
The three boys met up once again on Dead Puppy hill and sang for us. Though, not quite as dramatic as a couple of nights ago. Twin tried to lead the other two across but they turned and went back. I am thinking that Twin is motivated to keep his pals around and so he went back with them, even though he was ready to head in for the night. As soon as folks clear away the three will go home again. But, the trials of the road and the people will begin again tomorrow.
Have a good night.
BTW, the grizzly photo was taken earlier this spring, in the Tetons. A giant grizzly boar fresh out of the den.
beautiful boar – and I would bet money that your days of clicking a lot will be around real soon! It’s in your blood!