It was a beautiful, after the storm sort of morning with light streaming through the clouds and spraying on special parts of the landscape. Off in the distance one little row of trees on the hillside were lit up while all that was about them was dark. One of those mornings when I want to capture it all but know that my photos can not do it justice and so I just stare.
890, 969 and the grey yearling were being seen at Slough when I arrived but they were reported to be moving away and the crowd down that road was a bit overwhelming and so I continued to the east.
The bison carcass at Slough has been a place for people to hang out during the day – an anchor – but not a lot of action. Wolves nearly arrive but don’t and bears come for a bit and then leave. But there is always hope for more and that certainly could happen.
My efforts these days are centered around the Lamar Canyon pack. After two months I still haven’t given up hope that those yearlings will come home. And, I still worry that Twin and Mottled will leave, or that the pups won’t survive. I am a worrier for sure and my vigilance won’t chance anything that will happen but I want to be there.
Well, today, that paid off for a second, though I nearly missed the one moment I had been waiting for.
One of the yearlings finally came home! Well, ID is not 100% but if you look at her face the resemblance to 926 is amazing.

I saw the wolf but did not capture an image. Luckily, Josh Able did and he gave me permission to use it here.
Well, while the wolf did linger some – it wasn’t a mad dash to the den area, which led me to believe that she had already been with mom and was just out for a romp – I was busy watching through binoculars instead of the camera lens. It was a happy moment and the brief glimpse set the actions for the rest of my day as I stayed and waited. But, of course nothing came down off of that hill. I heard faint howling after she went up there for nothing else.
So, today maybe…
First thing this morning I ran into Bill and they had already seen 7 grizzlies and it was not even 8 a.m. Well, I went around the bend and found Scarface and so then they had 8 and the count continued to grow. They found a sow with two small new cubs way up high in the snow above Soda Butte Valley and I got to see them. One woman was swooning even though the view was nearly impossible. It was a great find and so great to see them.
Later in the day, two men went hiking above the den area and returned with ten antlers, one about 6′ tall. They were greeted by law enforcement and given tickets.
Still later the Babysitter, fox, finally appeared but it, as well as Scarface and the yearling, were all in the no stopping zone, on 21’s Crossing, and so no photos. I wanted that fox bad as it is one of the prettiest in the park.
Folks continue to stay down south waiting for Blaze and her two cubs to appear but are often disappointed.
Other than that, I saw bison and elk. Everywhere. Not sure why but the bison become prettier and more interesting every year.
Until the next time…
Love them all great photos Deby!!
i just love that first photo “bison on the move”. The bison is so sharply focused, and the soft pastel background looks like a watercolor painting. You do great work.
Great photos, Deby, and it sounds as though you had a good day. Wonderful news about the Lamar yearling. Hopefully they will all come home to Mama as I think she could use their help. I feel the same as you about Twin and Mottled. I’m afraid they aren’t taking food to Mama as they should be doing. There is certainly not the care and attention she got from 925M last year. He was the love of her life, and it was very evident. She needs an alpha male that will “stick” with her, and maybe one from a pack not so close by. But, I think in this case it was an “any port in a storm” desperate sort of situation. She is a tough little girl and deserves the best. I hope Twin will shape up to make a good alpha for her, or a better one will come along.
Thank you for all the great photos and the updated info.