Raining this morning! I had hopes of snow in the park but no such luck, although it snowed up in Silver Gate.
I arrived at Slough Creek and the lonely bison carcass just in time to see a grizzly coming in to feed. Alright, action finally.

The little bear swam across the creek over to the carcass. What a way to start the day, watching a bear peacefully swim to food. I heard later that it stood up and took a good look at everyone before deciding to come in.

The first thing that the little bear did was crawl up on top of the carcass, which made it look even smaller – the bear that is. Bears often have company at carcasses – in the form of ravens, magpies, coyotes and wolves, but usually not geese.

Well, this bear didn’t seem to mind the magpies very much but those noisy geese got on its last nerve and they needed to go. Fly away birdies.

The little bear didn’t seem to eat all that much but did wrestle with the carcass some. We saw legs flying up into the air and such, but not a lot of eating before it decided to leave.

Well, this little bear wasn’t all that shy because when it decided to leave, it headed right towards the road and had no problem crossing right behind me, although it did run.

After the bear left I went on to Lamar, hoping to see 926 but she made it across the road, seen only by a short term visitor who did manage to get a shot of her as she headed up the hill. We looked and waited but nothing. Some of the watchers had seen two wolves east of the institute but they were lost to us until later.
Not sure how the day passed but it did, with not a lot going on. The little bear made it to Lamar and drew quite a crowd before crossing the Lamar River and heading south. Early afternoon, I spent some time talking to some people about the wolves, telling stories about their lives. We had found a quiet place to hide, near a creek and I could have stayed there all day.
And, then another grizzly came in on the carcass. Another little bear. This one stayed longer and seemed to get more to eat before leaving and heading west, up the hill.
Rosie and the cubs were out at Tower and I heard that the sow with coy at Petrified was seen and that they were very cute.
Later in the afternoon I was in Lamar, going to do one last check on 926, when I spotted a bird. The bird led me to 5 elk and 3 pronghorn all bunched up on the hill above Hubbard Hill. I stopped and watched the elk, to see where they were looking but it was down into a bowl. At one point something spooked them and it was clear to me that wolves had to be close by and so I kept looking, following the direction of the elk’s eyes. And, guess what? I found a darned wolves bedded, flat out, in sage and grass. Turned out that it was Mottled but I was not sure until he stood up. His belly was big, like he had just eaten. I then saw Twin get up and walk near Mottled but he disappeared and I never saw him again. Did not see 965, nor 926.
I am kind of thinking of Twin and Mottled like the bad husbands who slip off to the bar to down a few when the little lady’s back is turned. Except that these two go get themselves a giant meal and don’t rush back to the den to feed the mama. So, I am hoping that 965 was a gentleman and had gone back to give her some food. I watched for a couple of hours but was finally rained and hailed out so left, but did go give the den area a check for any sign of 926. Saw nothing and so headed out.
Nothing at the Slough carcass either.
My last report from down south was that they were waiting on Blaze to come out. Did hear that 755 was seen again. I need to see that boy.
Until tomorrow.
Thanks Deby, I always enjoy your writing 🙂
I really like the first photo!
Thanks for the update on the wolves.
Hope she got her dinner.